Part 1

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"Up to the front, now young ladies and gentleman." Professor dumbledore spoke cheerfully but keeping his tone slightly blank.

All the students sat on the four tables watched with calm eyes as the first years scurried towards the front where the stool and the talking hat stood and over them was dumbledore pinching the hat from the top. With a grumble the hat started talking to itself quietly before it quietened down.

The first years were still enchanted as they frantically looked around in awe. At the night sky slashed with twinkled stars stood above them as the ceiling, an enchantment made by headmaster dippet.

The great hall was parted in four houses with different colours. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Greens, reds, silvers, sapphire Blues were hanging from the ceiling.

The whole castle had a warm homey glow to it. While the first years stood chatting excitedly but some also nervous, two stood from the rest.

A young boy who was stood at the front quietly, his cold blue eyes calculating and curious. His raven black was slicked back gently with a small amount of gel. Obviously not as much as the white blonde boy next to him. Malfoy was his surname, as he heard his friends chat to him. His pale hair had been slicked back with too much gel.

Tom felt the need to roll his eyes at the scene surrounding. These people stood here happy and content, not knowing the harsh reality that stood at their doorstep. Tom will enjoy it when they realise the world itself isn't as magical and beautiful as the teachers put it. It's horrid and full of people selfish, always greedy for more.

Icy eyes slowly and discreetly looked over the first years, for the first time, they all were tightly close except Tom  stood a step away, he appreciated his own privacy.

Tom met a gaze of girl who didn't look excited at all. She looked completely bored as if she had gone over this many times. With a witty snarl curved on her pink lips she met toms cold blue eyed with her warm green ones.

Tom stared at her blankly, expecting nothing from her but before he could register he felt someone pushing at something in his mind. A small ache formed as if someone was trying to get in and suddenly the ache dissapeared and Tom felt exposed.

Them did he realise that the girl was in his mind. He was impressed but more furious and disgusted with the girl.

'Stop looking over everyone as if your better...,Riddle." She spoke bitterly in his mind but it caused no reaction on his face. His face was still expressionless and it bugged Eva. People normally either freaked out or wowed over it.

However the hateful and lonely gleam in toms eyes were very familiar to her and she couldn't help but remisice the events of yesterday before she left the mansion.


"Don't you love, your mother, you foolish boy." Lissiana black spat sadly as she grabbed her sons pure black hair, her pale fingers intertwining itself around his hair.

Eva was stood behind a wall that turned around to the hall where her mother stood, she had pushed her brother Antonia into the wall. Eva stood behind the wall with shimmering tears.

Why didn't her brother do anything? He was twice the size of mother and at the peak of his strength at 22. Yet their he stood against wall with a busted lip calmly. His handsomely carved face stood emotionless save for some sympathy.

Her mothers crazy green eyes searched his face before she let go of his raven hair and gently rubbed his pale cheeks with admiration.

"You look just like your father, handsome and strong but....." Lissiana stood with awe before anger etched itself onto her face and she with both hands grabbed her sons head and slammed it into the marble wall.
".....just like your father; disgusting! Vile! Cruel!" Their mother cried as she once again slammed his head against the marble walls.

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