Our Horrifying Ending...

Start from the beginning

I froze against Jace's hand and my smile faded... She can't have known... Could she?

Clary walked towards Jace and I so I nudged him in the stomach, hoping he would release me but he still wouldn't let up. So I did what I thought was best.

I licked his hand...

I know it's disgusting but he wouldn't let go!

"Eeew! Lissa!" he shouted in amusement.

His smile died off as Clary approached and asked, "Is Lydia gonna be okay?"

"She'll be all right." I replied, after wiping my mouth.

The two of them stared at each other for a while until Clary sighed and looked away. Well this is awkward... Can I leave?

"Look, Clary..." Jace said. Oh no. Another serious talk. I stepped away from Jace's hold, hoping to leave this awkward situation but Jace clung on to me tighter. Why dude? Why do this to me?

"Listen, I just need to say that

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"Listen, I just need to say that... you were right. Seeing what Alec just did, I realized I can't shut you out. I just don't know what to do with all this." Jace said with a sigh.

Before Clary could reply or before I could think of another way to escape, Magnus walked up to us and said, "Much as this will shock Alec, my visit tonight wasn't all for him. We need to speak privately."

Oh, thank god. I don't need to be part of this awkward talk anymore.


We entered what must have been a conference room and Magnus waved his hand, causing his signature blue magic to appear and several items to appear as well on the table.

The five of us walked in a line towards the table, Jace then me, Magnus and then Clary and Alec. Being in our formal wear made us look pretty badass... Not that it mattered at the moment, we were heading on another (hopefully non-life-threatening) mission.

"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings. But I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White."

We all picked up various items, Jace picked up a dagger and threw it up. I caught it and put it back on the table. He turned to me with a playful glare but I just stuck my tongue out at him and picked up a bookmark.

It felt weird. Important maybe? I shook my head, I hate these weird feelings.

Clary looked up to see the item I was holding.

"Wait, that bookmark. I've seen it before!"

I looked at her and showed it off to everyone else. I was made a princess, only to be a model... Nice.

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