Marital Surprises

Start from the beginning

I am sorry to say that you have an arranged marriage Alicia.

What in the angel is she talking about? Mum and dad would never do that to me. They would always ask for my opinion before doing something like this. Ergo, they would have waited years before making a decision like this, even if they were being pressured. I thought angrily, something is wrong with this whole situation. With that final thought, I continued reading the dreaded letter.

Unfortunately, a law within our world is that we cannot undo any laws that a previous generation royal has made. Only after two decades can the law or contract be undone.

I regret to say that the contract says that you must marry when you are 18.

This document was procured from the Clave's document vault. It is a document that is under heavy security. Only a few people know of it. Your parents had the full copy but I think it was lost along with them.

The contract was based on the Clave's wishes. Your parents couldn't do anything about it. Should they have declined, they would have kicked your uncle Lucian out of our world. By kicked out, I mean terminated. They threatened family and they thought they had more time to fix the situation but they died too soon for that to happen.

The Clave wanted the heir to have a secure future by having their own heir. The contract was made when you were around 5 years old, just after your parents moved to the countryside and you had become close friends with the Wayland boy, at least that is what I was informed along with the rest of the Clave. Your parents made the contract and showed the Clave but didn't tell us who you are to marry. That is the part of the contract that has been wiped clean. I don't know what they did but they gave you time.

This information should have been revealed to you when you were 16 and your training would be half over but you were not part of our world at the time but that is out of our hands now.

Should you ever need my help. Just ask.

Best Regards and I am sorry.

Inquisitor Imogen Herondale

I checked the contract on the back and I almost fainted.  

Oh my- it's all true!

Tears started to well up in my eyes.

I have to get married when I'm 18. I have to be tied down to a man I don't even know! I need help. I need to talk to someone. Izzy's busy with the wedding. Simon isn't here. Clary and I still aren't talking. Things are still awkward with Jace which just leaves... Alec.

I shut my eyes in frustration and searched for Alec with my magic. As soon as I found him, I ran to his destination. 


I found Alec in a room downstairs.

I vaguely heard him talking to someone "I'm always gonna be here for you." I heard someone say and then I heard Alec's deep voice, "Me, too."

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