"Don't distance yourself."

"I only moved half a foot." He dead pans.

"You know that isn't what I meant."

Gray takes a deep breath. "Yeah. I'll tell you another time."

"You said that earlier."

"I will tell you."



"Say it."

"I promise. Are ya happy?"

"Yes. Now cheer up."

"Easier said than done."

"How can I make you feel better?"

Gray just grabs me and pulls me towards him so hard my face hurts when it crashes into his chest. I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around him and rub his back comfortingly. His breathing is ragged and it's hard to listen to. This is a rare state to witness him in.

I lay small kisses to his chest and neck while murmuring that everything will be okay. I hold him as tight as I can in an attempt to keep him from falling apart. I hate that I don't know how to calm him down. "I'm sorry you have to see this." His voice is strained.

"We can talk whenever you ready. Until then, just try to... I don't know, not feel like shit?" Fuck, I'm bad with words sometimes.

Gray chuckles bitterly. "I'll try. Just... Thank you. For being here."

His breathing eventually evens out and he drifts off to sleep. I think about the situation. I realize he gets like this around this time every year. I've never seen it quite like this, it must be something he hides from everyone. Maybe Lyon will know what's going on. I gently slip out of bed and walk over to his cabin.

"Hello!" Lyon greets me with a smile as he opens the door. He invites me in and I talk with him for half an hour before asking anything.

"Gray has been acting strange today. Do you have any idea why that might be?"

"I do, but I think that's something he should tell you about."

"He says he'll tell me, but he keeps putting it off."

"It might be best to wait until this mission is over to confront him about it again."

"He gets like this around this time every year. Did something happen to him in the early spring?"

"Yes, but I still don't think I should tell you. It isn't my place."

"I just want to help."

"It's something he has to overcome himself. Only time will really help."

"Is it... Does this have to do with Ur?"

"...Yes. The anniversary of her death is in coming up. How did you figure that out?"

"Well, I know his parents passed away during the Fall, and it's only Spring. I figured Ur is the only other person that may have this kind of impact on him."

"You're a smart woman. Please don't tell him I told you. It would only upset him."

"I won't. I kinda figured it out on my own anyway. I left him asleep, I wanna be there when he wakes up. Sorry to cut this visit short but..."

"Nothing to apologize for. It would serve him well if he has a friend around at this time."

"What about you?"

"It doesn't affect me the same way it does Gray. Maybe I'm stronger that way. Maybe I'm more cold hearted. I'm not sure which it is. It's still difficult, but I've healed. It doesn't strike me with grief every year. Not anymore."

(A lemon book) Gray x Reader x Sting x Natsu Dragon Slayer Mating Season!Where stories live. Discover now