Chapter 13 - Mirrors

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"Ada?! Ada?! Baby what are you doing out here?!"

I woken up by the feeling of someone's hands gripping my arms, violently shaking me back and forth.

"Ada?! Say something!"

I recognized the pleading voice as Liam's. My eyelids fluttered open and the vision of Liam's horrified face became clear. I looked around me, trying to recall where I was. I'm still at the park?

Next thing I knew, I was in Liam's arms.

"Liam?" My voice was so weak, it was hardly there at all.

"No shhhh don't talk baby. I'm going to get you home and warmed up." He scooped me up into his arms and brought me to his car, where the heat was on full blast.

It wasn't until I felt the heat that I realized how cold I actually was. I couldn't feel my fingers or toes, and if I had seen myself in a mirror, I probably would have been blue.

Exhausted, I pressed my head against the window and fought the urge to fall asleep.

"Ada, what were you doing out there? If I hadn't come when I did, you might have frozen to death! I just hope to god that you don't have hypothermia!" he scolded.

I could tell that he was only yelling because he was worried. There was so much guilt in his voice that it was completely audible.

I couldn't even tell exactly what he was saying, because I kept fading in and out. I felt dizzy and weak, dehydrated as well. I'd never anticipated falling sleep in that park, but I guess it just happened. I went to be alone, and sure enough, I fucking fell asleep in the snow, all by myself.

My eyes squinted, trying to get a clear picture of where I was. I knew that I was in the car, but I wanted to see what was out the window, but my vision was still too fuzzy.

I was fighting my eyes to stay open, but I was losing. I used every ounce of strength I had left to take hold of Liam's hand. He had been yelling, and I hadn't heard a word of it, but when I took his hand, he stopped and looked right at me.

He smiled, and I knew that I was going to be alright. He knew that I was going to be alright. And he knew that I was happy to be there with him. I felt loved and I felt that I was being cared for and that I was safe.

I think the fear was what kept me conscious for so long, because as soon as I saw Liam's smile and felt his warm fingers curled up with mine, I rested my head against the seat of the car and stopped resisting the urge to fall asleep.


When I regained consciousness, I was surrounded by warmth. It was comfortable warmth. I was covered in a layer of blankets next to a fireplace that housed a roaring fire.

Everything was silent, except for the crackling of the fire. It was so quiet, in fact, that I didn't know that anyone else was in the room with me. I wanted to move, but for some reason, I didn't want anyone to know that I was awake, and even though I didn't think anyone was there with me, I wanted to be sure.

I relaxed into the blankets, and enjoyed the smell of the burning firewood and the low light that was probably only lighting the little section of the room that I was in.

Suddenly, a voice broke the quiet. I hadn't even heard people moving, so they were probably sitting as still as possible; which meant, that they were probably observing me. That made me nervous.

"Do you think she has hypothermia?" Liam's voice echoed through the empty room.

"Fortunately, no. But she came very close to it. Had she been out there any longer, we might be having a different conversation." I heard an unfamiliar voice answer him.

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