3) The akward 2nd meeting

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Holly's POV:

I stared after him for a while, watching him help people choose good books and help them lift books from high shelves down. I eventually snapped out of my staring and got back to why I came here.

I exited the aisle and walked towards the front of the shop to where the tills were. I wasn't really playing attention to my surroundings so it didn't surprise me when I walked into a hard surface and fell to the floor. I looked up to see what I crashed into and came face to face with Percy.

Everytime I've read a cliché romance book, this usually happens. The girl is carrying lots of books and bumps into a guy. The girl and the books fall to the floor and the guy lifts the girl up and helps her collect the books. At the last book, they both reach for it, touch each others hands then look into each others eye dreamily.

Well let me tell you, nothing like that happened. I fell onto the floor and he just stood their stuttering his apologises. He didn't even help me stand up!

I stood up, dusted my self off and then collected my book off the floor. Even after all that he was still apologising, so I shouted "Dude!" at him. That made him stop.

"It's fine you don't need to keep apologising, it was my fault not yours. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go purchase this book." I didn't give him a chance to speak; I just walked away to the tills.

Luckily, as it was still early in the morning there wasn't a lot of people in the queue. I patiently waited, humming a little tune until I was asked to come to the open till. It was just my luck that Percy was the person at the tills.

"Hey! I know you! You're the girl I accidentally bumped into. Once again I'm so sorry! Please let me repay you by buying you a coffee at the café down the road." he said as soon as he saw me approach the till.

"No it's fine. Like I said it was an accident and was my fault, not yours. You don't need to buy me a coffee. Just let me buy my book and I'll be on my way." I replied to him but unfortunately he didn't agree with what I said.

"Nope, I'm buying you a coffee and that's final. I feel really sorry so let me just buy you a drink. It's the least I can do."

I couldn't say no so I just gave in and said yes. He smiled at me and then scanned my book. I quickly gave him the money, thanked him and then gave him my number so he could contact me about when we should meet for coffee. I said bye and walked off out the shop and began to walk back to the alleyway so I could apparate home.

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