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A/N: Hello my loves, I'm back. Sorry for taking so long, and also sorry in advance for this chapter lmao. I love you!

Derek viciously stabbed the buttons of the elevator, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for it to arrive.
"Screw it." He muttered, storming up the stairs at top speed. The sounds of his heavy footfalls resounded through the concrete stairwell until he reached his and Stiles' floor. Striding purposefully, he didn't even stop to catch his breath until he reached Stiles' door.

He banged on the wood furiously, not caring if the neighbours heard. When Stiles finally opened the door, he was pink in the face and wearing what looked pyjamas. Derek had a pretty good idea of what had gone on.
"Seriously?" Derek snapped. Stiles' expression twisted in confusion and surprise.
"Derek what are you doing here?"

"Wondering why you've been taking me for an absolute fool!" He roared. Stiles looked taken aback, and then angry all in the space of the three seconds.
"Me? Take you for a fool? That's a little rich don't you think?!" Stiles retorted, his words laced with venom.
"Not at all. I saw that guy from the other day and the new one tonight, and here I was thinking you liked me." Derek spat.

Stiles' face reddened even more.
"Like you can talk! You were on a date! Where is he now, in your bed waiting for you to finish yelling at me?" Stiles sneered. It was strange and sickening to be on the receiving end of this uncharacteristically nasty side of the younger man. It made Derek's insides churn with discomfort.

"Is there a problem?" The curly blond was now standing behind Stiles, hands on hips.
"Yeah, and for you too." Derek answered. "You know he's seeing someone else as well as you?" The man looked utterly confused, he threw a look at Stiles as if expecting an explanation. "Yeah he had me going too." Derek snarled.
"What the hell? It's not like that!" Stiles protested, reaching to grab Derek's wrist to stop him leaving.

He wrenched his hand out of reach, tossing Stiles' a glare of disgust.
"Discuss your commitment issues with your two boyfriends. I'm going home." He growled, slamming Stiles' own door shut and barging into his own apartment.

He slumped down on the edge of his bed and let his head sink into his hands. He knew what he'd done was impulsive, wrong and incredibly immature but the fury burning and boiling his insides was too much to bear. He slammed a fist into his headboard, cracking and splitting it. He didn't understand how he hadn't seen the attachment growing, he didn't understand why he hadn't squashed it.

All he understood was he wanted Stiles more than anything but he couldn't have him.

"What. The. Hell. Just. Happened." Stiles breathed, shock written all over his pale face.
"I'm gonna go with this theory; your hot neighbour thinks you're sleeping with me and Scott and you were going for a third." Isaac replied bluntly. Stiles glared at him.
"You are not helping!" He yelled.

Isaac shrugged apologetically.
"You asked." Stiles groaned and walked into the living room, sliding down on the couch in defeat.
"This is one hell of a situation."
"I know, I mean you're cute and all but you've got nothing on Sco-"
"Isaac please just shut up." Stiles snapped, rubbing his temples.

Isaac raised his hands in surrender and fell silent. The two sat there for a while, simply marinating in the situation. Stiles was stumped, how would he convince Derek that it was actually Scott and Isaac that were at it like bunnies, not him, Scott and Isaac. He shivered in disgust, he'd known Scott since they were kids and could never see him that way, and Isaac was just a gigantic ass. Attractive, but hugely annoying.

"I just don't get why he was so angry with me when he was doing pretty much what he thought I was doing." Stiles sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. The whole dilemma was hurting his head.
"It is pretty hypocritical." Isaac agreed. Stiles groaned loudly and punched a pillow repeatedly.
"I freaking hate guys!"

Isaac chuckled.
"No you don't, you're just mad at the one." He shook his head. Stiles rolled his eyes.
"Hey captain obvious, if you're done being a dick you can leave now." He drawled sarcastically. Isaac sniggered and elbowed Stiles.
"If I leave you'll probably end up crying into three boxes of pizza while watching Maury. I'm staying for your own good."

Stiles snorted and placed the abused pillow on his lap then proceeded to his face to smash into it. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to snuggle up on the sofa with Derek, not Isaac. Luckily the pillow muffled the strangled sob that escaped him, but Isaac wasn't that stupid. He rubbed his back gently.
"Hey don't cry Stilinski. You'll find your batman." His attempt to console him only made him cry harder. Why couldn't Derek be his batman? Why did they have to go back to being strangers?

"I don't want any other batman." Stiles mumbled through the material. He couldn't see Isaac's reaction to his statement, but he knew he'd probably realised that this was out of his depth.
"I'll call Scott." He suggested. Stiles groaned even louder.
"Great, now he'll think we're having a threesome." Isaac burst out laughing.
"In your dreams."
"Nightmares." Stiles corrected.


When Scott arrived, he looked pissed. His hands were balled into fists and his tanned cheeks were flustered.
"Which side was his apartment again? I'll beat the shit out of him!" He growled. Isaac rest his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders.
"No you won't, he's a human tank." He stated and Scott only fumed more. Stiles heart lifted a little at how much Scott was affected by Stiles' heartbreak, it still took him by surprise even after all those years.

"Scott come and watch a movie with us. I just wanna be with my best friends." Stiles instructed calmly, trying desperately to make his smile look genuine. Scott stared at him, his eyes giving away that he wasn't convinced, but he did so. Isaac grabbed Stiles' duvet and the three squeezed onto the couch and slotted a movie in. They even ordered pizza despite Isaac's sarcastic comments.

Although the empty, sick feeling twisted and turned in the pit of Stiles stomach and in his chest, it was some consolation to have his friends with him. Isaac was right, being alone at a time like this would only make him feel worse. He hardly concentrated on the movie, so much had happened that evening that all he could bring himself to do was mull it over in his head, replaying every conversation and memory.

He was certain that it wasn't helping, but he needed to make sure it was real. This had happened. He and Derek were no longer anywhere close to being he and Derek. It made his heart wrench uncomfortably and tears spike in his eyes, but it was the truth. If Stiles was going to get over it, he had to come to terms with it.

He wriggled further down into the couch cushions, pulling the duvet up to his bottom eyelids, hoping they'd absorb the moisture slowly flowing from his eyes. For the first time in his life, Stiles truly felt as if his heart had been shattered into pieces.

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