Donald! Trump on Trump: A Donlad Trump Simulator

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     "Hey there guys it's me Mimi and it's time to get out game on," I say into the camera. Intro recorded, pause for editing. "Ok it's Friday and and as you know every Friday it's video game Friday. This Friday we are playing Donald! Trump on Trump. I have no idea what this is but people requested it a lot. Let's get started." I click the start button and a T.V. pops up that's off and mounted to a wall.

     The T.V. turns on and a commercial beings to play. "Hi, I'm Donald Trump and I'm running for the leader over all you insolent fools, I mean the president. Here are some reasons why you should, die in a hole and make everyone happy, vote for me. I shop at the local wig shops where ever I am." He try's on different toupees and buys none. " I love babies they ate our future," he picks up a baby from a stroller and kisses it. "Coochie coochie cooooo little baby," the child in his arms begins to cry. "Someone come get this brat out of my arms. Stop recording you idiot." He screamed before it cut to him sitting down. "I also like to give small loans of $1,000,000. So vote for me, or I'll kill you in your sleep, Donald Trump for the next president of the United States."

     The T.V. cut off and a cityscape is in the background. "Ok let's get started what are we supposed to do," I say looking around and a banner comes to the center of the screen. "Alright, you are Donald Trump you make actions and decisions that he would make to become president. You can't advertise anymore and your campaign has no money. You gambled it all and have $0 left in your account. Find a way to make money and become president of the U.S.

     "Ok so let's make some money guys yay," I say looking at the camera. There is a list that says MUST DO!!!! I open it and there are five things on the list. They are gain money back, become president of the United States, build a wall in between Mexico and the U.S., eat apple, and take over the world. "Let's start with the simple thing on here and let's gain the money back. I click get job and you get s job at your long lost brothers law firm Figer Law. He pays back that small loan of $1,000,000 back and I can finally do something. I use the evil power button and it made all of the money come back.

     "Well that's weird we have evil demon money powers," I say laughing at my own joke. I have enough money to build the wall so I click build the wall. A banner comes to the middle of the screen again. It says GO AWAY YOU WILL DIE IN 10 seconds if you don't run. I get up but before I could leave the house my computer exploded setting my house on fire. I died in the accident and Donald Trump gave my family a small gift of $1,000,000. No loan a gift they didn't have to pay him back. That's how I ended up in ghost town haunting the creators of Donald! Trump on Trump.

      THE END!

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