Chapter 2

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 "Hey," he said.

I turned around to see who it was. He smiled.

It was Logan.


I widened my eyes. Logan Guss was standing right in front of me, talking to me. On his will.

This was every girl in this school's dream. But I wasn't happy about it. I was probably the only one who wasn't happy about the new 'hottest guy in school'.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. He laughed and looked to his right. It looked like he was trying to show me his good angle. I almost laughed. But when I touched my face I felt that it was hot, and probably red.

"Let me start," he said cockily, smirking. "I'm Logan." He held out a hand, formally, but I didn't shake it.

I breathed in deeply, looking down.

"I know," I said quietly enough so I thought he wouldn't hear.

But he did.

He shrugged smiling. "I guess everybody does." He stopped for a while but started talking again. "Your bra is showing." He wasn't looking at me. He was giving me privacy. I was surprised.

I blushed again. As wrapped it around me he looked back at me.

"Um, Logan, I'd really like to talk," I lied. He could have any other girl. Why me? "but I have to go to class. The bell just rang."

He looked at my finger, which pointed at the bell. The halls were now clear. No kids in sight, except for those two stoner guys and some couple making out.

"Why wont we just ditch?" he asked obviously.

"I don't want to." I said ready to walk away, but he grabbed my arm strongly and pulled me back.

"So you're telling me, you've never ditched before?" he chuckled, expecting a yes. I looked at his stomach and arms to see his muscles.

"Maybe I haven't," I said while jerking my arm free and walking away from his surprised but excited face. Like he'd found a challenge.

He just watched after me as I walked down the hall. I felt like I didn't walk normally, since someone was staring at the back of my neck, or worse... my bottom.

Right before I walked in he ran after me. "Hey! I didn't catch your name!"

I shrugged cluelessly, and walked in to the class where everyone stared at me through my soul as I went to my seat. "Lucy," Mr. Owens said formally and I smiled his way.

"Let me continue," he added classily and continued his English lesson.

I had a hard time concentrating. I was disturbed by the fact that the possibly hottest guy in school was hitting on me. Me, the nobody.

I wasn't even that pretty. In fact, I wasn't pretty at all.

Blake didn't have English on the same time as me. I really wish he did. He brought me the comfort I needed to get through school.

He was my only friend.

God, that sounded so much more dramatic then it was supposed to.

I felt like a big chicken, making everyone laugh, because my skin was showing through my feathers. Yeah... it was not a good feeling.

I thought because today I would have PE, that I could change into the shirt I had for that, and let the other one dry out.

When the class ended I basically ran to the bathroom and took the shirt out of my bag. It was black, and a little tight. I didn't like wearing tight things. Especially when they showed how small my boobs were, but I had to. It was my only option. Well, I could have my wet one on, which was already drying, or have a completely dried one.

Yup, it was my only option.

I would probably just ditch PE though. I actually had skipped a few classes, but most of them were PE. Where everyone had to look down at me and how awful I was at sports.

I was short. That's why people would look down at me. But also because I sucked.

Next was history.

History was my kind of class. I always paid the best attention there and at almost every test, I got a ten.

As I walked to my locker I looked over at a small group of girls surrounding something or someone. But to my happy surprise, it was Logan. Logan. Out of all people.

He saw me back. And being the flirty douche he was, he winked.

I held back my blushing, because I really knew it was stupid. How he flirted with all the girls so much. There was only one word for him, and I thought that word was pretty stupid.


The girls surrounding him looked at me with a death glare and I quickly walked away before they could see my red cheeks.

How the hecking heck could my body produce so much blushing?

But thank god to the next class, I would be able to forget the stupid Logan and his stupid crew, and focus on the importance, like world war two.

I liked to think that way, but I knew I wouldn't forget it completely.


So yeah! That was the second chapter!

I promised some people I would do it so heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere you go!

But seriously though, thank you guys for reading and voting. It actually, really means a lot :3 It makes me happy in the brain.


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