"I ride my bike. My mum thinks I need the exercise,"I explained. Finally unable to stand still any longer I take the broom and cleaning equipment back into the storeroom. Drew follows me towards the back of the shop but doesn't come into the employee area.

"It's over 2 kilometers away!" Drew exclaimed.

"Yeah I know, but try telling that to my mum," I snorted, packing up and grabbing my backpack. I was finished and just had to lock up. Drew followed me out the front door and waited with me while I locked the doors and the gate.

"Well, looks like I'm walking home then," Drew sighed, looking up at the setting sun. It was only just getting dark,but it was early May and it was already starting to get cold at night.

"I can walk with you if you want the company," I offered, walking over to the bike rack out the front of the shop and unlocking my bike.

"It's getting cold though, don't you want to just hurry home?" he asked. I shrugged and pushed my bike over to him.

"Yeah, but I know I'd want someone to talk to if I were you," I smiled. And also, I want to spend every minute of the day with you, but I wont say that out loud.

"Alright, cool," Drew shrugged and we started off towards our houses.

I should probably explain here. Drew is only my neighbor, so it might seem strange that we know each other on a friendly level, but the truth is we also grew up together. Our mums are friends so we spent a lot of time at each other's houses as kids because his mum would watch me if my mum had to do something and mine would watch him if his mum had to do something.

Though things changed once Drew reached high school. He became the cool older kid and I was the annoying younger kid. Not that Drew ever actually said that, but he stopped coming over and I stopped going to his. And when I got to high school I found out why.He was good looking, popular, social. I was awkward and weird and two years younger.

Still, whenever we have bumped into each other he's been friendly enough. He never dissed or shunned me in front of his friends, or ignored me; which only made me love him more.

I think it was on my thirteenth birthday though that I knew he was the one. I'd planned an awesome party with balloons and snacks, the works. I sent out invites to every kid in my grade. But when it came to the day of the party, no one showed up. I waited by the front door for two hours, making excuses why no one was there,until I finally caved and went to my room crying. My mum must have called Drew's mum and told her what happened, because half an hour later Drew was knocking at my door checking up on me.

I'd invited him to my birthday, but he'd given me a valid reason why he couldn't come. His dad was coming back from overseas to visit him because his job kept him away a lot back then, but his dad was only going to be here for two days, and one of those was the day of my party. So that was fine, I hadn't expected him to come.When his mum found out what happened however, she called Drew up and he raced back here to see me. He comforted me, and then we ate party food, popped balloons and played video games with his dad. I gave upon birthdays and people after that, but not Drew.

To be honest, I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't come round then. That sort of rejection put me in a dark place for a long time. I don't think he even realizes he saved me that day,and then after that thanks to him checking up on me.

On a lighter topic, Drew and I walked and talked and it was awesome. We hadn't actually spoken for a few months now, so I was really glad for this chance to catch up. He was telling me all about applying for University and his plan to become a Doctor. And I told him all about my lack of plans for the future.

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