[one - eric & gregory?]

Start from the beginning

"Not that b-bad! I've only had like ten beers," she giggles.

Yeah, Lilly. Only ten beers.

"You will not believe w-what I have to tell you!"

Acting excited, I take Lilly's arms in mine and widen my eyes.


"T-twins. Hot twins. They just moved here, their names are Eric and Gregory, or s-something like that, I don't know. But they're hot!" She wiggles my arms around excitedly.

I laugh at her drunk-ness.

"Why would they move before their senior year? That's odd,"

"It doesn't matter! They're hot!" She screams, a bit too loud this time.

Some of the people gathered around the bonfire turn to look towards Lilly and I. I smile awkwardly at them before taking Lilly's arm and dragging her and I away from everyone's drunk death glares.

"Be more quiet, Lilly," I laugh.

"Sorry. You've got to m-meet them, though. They're somewhere by the fire." She slurs.

I've been looking around and observing almost all night and have not seen any unfamiliar faces. I must've just missed them.

"They're really hot." Lilly fans herself.

"Yeah, you've made that pretty clear."

"Are we d-done here? Because I want another beer," she announces.

"I think you've had enough,"

"Whatever. I'm going back to the fire." She shrugs and begins to walk off.

I decide to try and clean myself up a bit before walking over to the fire. If these new twins are as hot as Lilly's drunk ass was saying, I definitely want to look presentable. I walk into Amy's house and try to find the nearest bathroom.

I walk down several hallways and a movie theater before finding what I think is a bathroom, but the door is closed. I move the handle slightly to see if it's locked, and the door creaks open. Realizing there's nobody in there, I open the door and walk in.

"Um, excuse me!"

I widen my eyes as I look to my right to see a girl with her top off straddling a boy on top of the toilet.


I quickly avert my eyes and try to find the door again.

"Sorry!" I shout as my hand fumbles to find the door handle.

"Ugh," I hear the girl mumble under her breath.
My hand finally meets the handle and I quickly rush out of the bathroom. How embarrassing.

I take a moment to collect myself and brush my hair through with my fingers. Suddenly, the bathroom door opens again.

The girl shoots me a death glare as she stomps off quickly, her obnoxious heels clicking loudly against the hardwood floor.

I think her name is Samantha, and I think she was in my Spanish class last year. I guess I didn't recognize her without a shirt on.

Seconds later, the boy who was being straddled minutes before stumbles out of the bathroom and struggles to button his pants. I try not to laugh.
He sighs as he makes awkward eye contact with me.

"Sorry about that," I say to him.

I don't think I've ever met him before. His dark brown hair is quiffed up off his forehead and his golden brown eyes stare directly into mine.

Rough Heart | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now