First Day...

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Kristen's P.O.V.

I wake up on Monday morning to sunshine instead of rain. I listen as the birds chirp outside of my window. I look over at my clock. It's about 6:30 a.m. I realize that today will be my first day as a secretary for Harry Styles. I get up and eat breakfast, then I get dressed. I decide to put on a pair of my favorite black skinny jean, a red top, and my favorite black boots.

I grab my purse and walk down to the Rustic Café, when I get back, it's time to leave. I climb into my car and start to make my way down the road. Passing my drivers test here was harder than I thought it would be and I'm still getting used to driving on the opposite side of the road. I arrive at Harry's place only to find out that its a mansion! The gates open and I park in a small parking area outside of it. I walk up to the doors and ring the doorbell.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I say looking all around.

Just a second later a voice makes it's way through a small speaker.

"Who's there?" It asks.

"I'm Kristen, the new secretary?" I say.

"Ah, yes! Harry told me about you. Hang on one second and I'll open the door." The voice says.

"Thanks." I say.

After a minute or two the door opens and there stands a guy that looks to be in his mid to late 30's.

"Come on in Miss Kristen." He says.

"Thank you, Mr?" I ask.

"Jason, you can call me Jason." He says with a smile.

"Well, thank you Jason." I say.

"No problem." He says. "Harry is right in there." He says.

"Ok, thanks." I say heading in that direction.

I walk in expecting to see just Harry, but I find all of the guys in there also.

"Hello." I say.

"Hello." They all say together.

"Harry, I'm here to start." I say.

"Alright, I'll show you to where your going to work." Harry says getting up.

He leads me to an office and all of the boys follow.

"Ok, just answer calls, mark down events and stuff like that on the Calendar and don't forget to tell me about it. And if anyone calls and wants to speak with me just transfer the call to my cell phone since I won't be in my office today." He says.

"Alright, I've got it." I say.

"And if you need anything, just let me know." He says.

"Alright. Thank you." I say.

"No problem." He says.

We both turn around at the same time to see the boys staring at me.

"Guys!" Harry says.

"Huh?" Liam says.

"What?" Louis asks.

"Where?" Niall asks looking around.

"Quit looking at her like that! I'm sure that it's making her uncomfortable." He says.

"Sorry." They all say.

I laugh. "It's ok."

"Alright guys, let's leave her alone." Harry says.

They all leave and leave me to my work. I start working on everything and writing down events and things. After a few hours the door opens and in comes all of the guys except Harry.

"Hey guys!" I say with a smile.

"Hey, how's it going?" Liam asks.

"Good, thanks." I say.

"We want to ask you some questions...Is that alight?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, that's fine." I say.

"Are you a Directioner?" Niall asks.

I look at him. "Yeah, I am. I love your music." I say.

"You seem pretty calm." Liam says.

"Well, if I were a celeb I'd want to be treated normally." I say.

"Smart answer." Liam says.

The door opens again.

"Guys!" Harry shakes his head. "We've been through this."

I laugh alittle bit.

"Ok, ok Harry." Louis says. "She's safe."

I laugh alittle more.

"Good to know, now, out!" He says pointing to the door.

"After they close the door he turns to me.

"I'm sorry about that." He says.

"It's ok, they're just trying to look out for you." I say.

"Yeah, well I better get back out there before they do something else." He says.

I smile and watch him leave. My first day has been cool.

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