Author's Note

49 4 1

This is a "Get To Know Me" Tag. I got tagged by BoopBoopOakley and other people. Here it is.

1.  Are you named after someone?

Sort of? My mom was walking in New York and she heard a guy scream his daughter's name and my mom asked what the name was again, and he said "Asia, but it's spelled Aja." My mom had liked that name so she was going to call her daughter that. First came my brother, but his dad and my mom found out he was a boy so they just named him Javon. But when my dad and my mom had me, and I am a girl, they named me Asia.

2. When was the last time you cried?

Today (4/6/16).

3. Do you have kids?


4. Would you ever bungee-jump?


5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Only when someone asks a stupid question.

6. If you were another person, would you be a friend with yourself?

No. I wouldn't be able to handle my crazy, weird self.

7. What's your favorite cereal?

Honestly, I don't know. But I used to eat a lot of Lucky Charms when I was younger.

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?

How their attitude comes off. If I meet someone and I know they are rude, I don't even talk to them.

9. What's your eye color?

Dark brown.

10. Scary Movie or Happy Ending?

Happy Ending because I hate scary movies.

11. Favorite smell?

Curry Chicken cooking.

12. Summer or Winter

SUMMER! I live in Florida, a.k.a The Sunshine State.

13. Computer or Television?

I guess computer.

14. What's the furthest from you've been from home?

Trinidad and Tobago.

15. Do you have any special talents?

Uh, I guess dancing is one. If you even count that.

16. Where were you born?

I think Hallandale, Florida.

17. What are your hobbies?

Dancing and being on Wattpad.

18. Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have two cats. One cat is a male named Sasha (long story) and one is female named Sarah. Sasha is never in the house. He is an outside cat. Sarah is a house cat so she is mostly inside, but she stills go outside and chill. Also, I found a dog, which is a female, but we are not keeping it because we have to find her owner.

19. Favorite movie?

I have more than one. 1. Ant Man 2. Outsiders 3. Batman V. Superman.

20. Do you have any siblings?

Only one brother, who is 23.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A masseuse (a person who massages people).

I tag:











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