The pair of siblings wrapped their arms around each other, engulfing each other in a tight hug as if neither of them wanted to let go which they didn't. It was strange to see the other sibling, the male believed that his sister had died the day their parents died but was proved wrong when he saw her standing in the hallway and she too had been proved wrong when she thought her brother was dead.

Hope and Adrian had informed their headmaster of the situation and discovered that Olivia Aquilo wasn't the only one who had come back from the dead but Rafael's girlfriend had come to find him. This meant that the couple had to wait for Alaric's help while he figured out why and how they were back. The Mikaelson girl had her own theories but it was nothing she was gonna tell until she was certain which was another reason she needed to go see the necromancer.

The two wolves stood in the middle of the hallway on the ground floor after dropping some clothes off with Olivia before sending her to the girls' bathroom to freshen up whilst they waited outside.

"So, your sister..." The tribrid trailed off, thanks to her doubting the sister's intentions to being back as good, she didn't know what to say.

"Yeah" The male smiled, a feeling of relief had washed over him when his sister's return registered in his brain and it took over him, "I can't believe she's here"

"About that, I— I wouldn't get too close if I were you," Hope said. She wanted her boyfriend to keep his guard up even if they were dealing with his sister.

"She's my sister"

The auburnette nodded, "I know that but she's not— it's not safe with the Necromancer around here, we don't know the full extent of his powers. We don't know how many people he can resurrect but your sister, she might be one of them. It's not safe and we should wait for Doctor Saltzman until we do anything rash. We don't know the—"

The boy's expression hardened, he knew what the Mikaelson girl was insinuating and he didn't like it, "I'm not doing anything rash by talking to her" He spat, "Olivia isn't a monster. She was just lucky enough to survive that day"

"We don't know that. We don't know anything about her. There's a chance that he could have resurrected her" Hope argued, repeating her words, "Just look at the twins' mom, she was literally yanked back to life. And Rafael's girlfriend? She was dead and now she's here. Both human and still, showing signs of resurrection"

"You can't assume that they can't survive just because they're humans," Adrian told his girlfriend. She opened her mouth to speak but remained silent, she knew that he was right, "I get that you're worried but she's not dangerous. I don't think either of them is"


"Would you just f—" The male stopped himself before he'd say anything he'd regret. He let out a sigh and started over again, this time speaking calmly instead of raising his voice, "They're not monsters and they're not dangerous, they're just scared. Trust me on this, okay?"

The girl nodded in silence, knowing that if she'd reply they'd be going back and forth for a while and it would result in nothing. However, she marveled at his reflex to come to his sister's defense, the sister he hadn't seen in months yet still assumed she was nothing but a scared human who was lucky enough to survive her murderous uncle.

The porcelain-skinned girl who was the topic of the couple's conversation approached the two dressed in clothes that her brother's girlfriend had lent her, looking better than she had when she arrived, "Uhm, thanks for the clothes"

Hope nodded but remained silent and the brunette didn't know how to react to it. Sensing how fast the tension between them all became awkward, the only male of the three decided that they'd move upstairs to the Aquilo boy's dorm where they could talk undisturbed and, hopefully, the siblings would be able to discuss the trauma they've been through. The alpha glanced behind him as he made his way towards the staircase, his sister had followed him but his girlfriend remained leaning against the wall beside the girl's bathroom, "Hey, you coming?"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat