Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: New Beginning


She couldn't help but stand there, watching the ever burning fire that blazes before her very eyes. It was as if she was in a trance as she watches the hot golden flames consume everything in its path. The villagers ran as fast they could, a child cries out as he drops his teddy bear on to the ground but of course his mother, who holds on her child tightly, doesn't bother to stop to retrieve it.

It was as if the screams of the fleeing villagers didn't reach (Y/N)'s ears, the only sound she could hear was her heart that seemed to beat in a very rapid pace as she desperately tries to steady her breathing.

She had ran all the way from the top mountains not too far from the village, when she noticed the black smoke she immediately knew that there was trouble. The girl looked at her once bright home wiltering away under the weightless flames. Perhaps there could have been hope to save some of her important belongings that now seems to be burning into nothing but ashes.

As if out of instinct, (Y/N) instantly reached to her back pocket to pull out her kunai, but before she knew it, she feels a sharp object being pressed dangerously close to her throat. Her body froze, she didn't dare move a muscle. The girl had barely gotten her weapon out, and who ever was behind her was surely a skilled ninja by how fast he had gotten behind her.

"Hello there, little (Y/N)" She felt her stomach drop due to her name being uttered from the enemy. The stranger's voice was deep and gruff and she found it very unpleasant that she could feel his breath down her neck.

"Not going to say anything?"

She didnt reply, she couldn't reply. The poor girl was scared out of her witts, she had fought countless enemy ninjas before but for someone unknown reason, this situation felt different. His presence felt threatening, and if she were to move a step she would surely be a goner. She heard him chuckle and could feel him get close to her ear.

"Sleep tight" Were the last words she heard before she felt pain shoot through her neck. Her eyes felt heavy, her surroundings seemed to go in slow motion until her body collapses on the ground and everything fades into nothing but darkness.


A groan escaped past her dry lips, her (e/c) eyes slowly open and her vision was greeted with nothing but darkness. The back of her neck felt sore, of course it was due to the forceful hit she received that knocked her unconscious. As her eyes tries to scan her surroundings she immediately noticed that her body was uncomfortably cramped in a tight compartment. Perhaps she was stuffed inside a barrel?

'What the hell?...'

(Y/N) could already feel herself hyperventilating as if her surroundings seem to be closing in. She felt as if she was running out air, making her breathing rapid as she tries so desperately to create some space.

"Oh! I felt her moving, she's awake!" She heard a very cheery voice of a male exclaim.

(Y/N) felt the barrel shake a few times making her squeal out in surprise of the sudden movement. The lid above her head opens and her vision was harshly greated with sun light making her eyes immediately squint as her hands extend before her face to shield the blinding light from her sensitive eyes.

As she steps out of the wooden barrel, her eyes slowly start to adjust her surroundings but her attention was immediately set on the two male beings standing before her.

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