
Later that night, Dean drives to the nearest convenience store and buys a couple packs of beer. He comes back a few minutes later, and immediately goes to Sam's room. He sits on the bed, looking around and wondering why Sam never bothered to decorate it. In Dean's bedroom, he hung his guns on the wall and hung up a few old pictures, and one of him and his mother before she died was on the desk. Sam had nothing. Only a bed, a desk, and a dresser. Maybe he always knew something would happen to him and... No Dean. You can't think about that ever again. He scolded himself. Dean opens up a few beer bottles and drinks himself into oblivion, then he passes out, unable to awaken for hours. He falls asleep in Sam's room.


Dean wakes up around noon, with the sun blinding his face. he doesn't remember much from last night, other than explaining why Sam wouldn't come home. Uh oh. He shouldn't have thought of that. He almost cries again, but doesn't, and rushes to the bathroom to puke.

After he's cleaned himself up, he brushes his teeth and gets dressed, Dean walks out to the living room to watch TV. Anything to clear his mind -- if that's at all possible. He flips through the news channels, but nothing's on, as usual. He goes through a few more channels to find the cooking channel. And guess what? They're baking pie! Dean loves pie. He remembers that one time when Sam forgot to bring Dean his pie. And another time when Sam brought cake instead of pie and had the balls to ask, "What's the difference?" Nope. Bad idea. He turned the TV off.

"When are we gonna start planning for Sam's... you know, funeral?" Cas asks. "It's not like I want him gone, trust me. But, don't you think we should put him to rest? Maybe he'll find Bobby in Heaven. Your parents too." That's right. Dean is the last remaining Winchester. Unless he gets married and starts a family, no one will hear that name again. But he couldn't begin to think of starting a family now. He had other issues to worry about. "Soon, I guess." he lied. Dean had to bring Sam back. He needed his brother back soon, or he'd go mad and end back up in the nut house. Again.

He went to his room and sat at his dresser, getting out a pen and paper. He wrote down possible ways to bring Sam back from the dead. It wasn't as easy as it sounded. He started to write: deal with demon, necromancy, angels, spell, Lucifer possession. He right away crossed out 'necromancy', 'angels', and 'Lucifer possession'. First, necromancy was creepy, and it never turned out right. Second, all the doors to Heaven were shut on the angels after they, including Cas, fell. None of the angels would be able to heal him. Also, if an angel possessed him, he wouldn't be Sam anymore. He'd just be Sam's meat-suit with an angel in him. Once the angel ejected itself, he'd still be dead. No angel was powerful enough to bring him back again,especially after the fall. Third, there was NO WAY IN HELL he'd let Lucifer possess Sam. It would be like the time Zachariah took Dean from 2009 and plopped him in 2014. We all know how that turned out.

The only spell he knew of to bring someone back from the dead was to use necromancy. So, he crossed that one out, too. There was only one option left. he had to make a deal. Crowley would be no help, and he couldn't do anything from where he was locked up in their dungeon. He was still sitting in a devil's trap in handcuffs. No one has let him out yet, and no one will. Technically, he was still the King of Hell, but to seal the deal, Dean would have to kiss Crowley. Bobby already did that once, and Dean didn't want to walk in his footsteps.

Dean would wait until everyone was asleep, then sneak out into the main room. Cas and Kevin decided to sleep in Sam's room, just in case it would be the last time they ever saw it put together. That's what they thought. Dean knew Sam was coming back, one way or another, even if he had to drag his ass out of Hell himself.

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