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"I wanna hide the truth. I wanna shelter you, but with the beast inside, ther's nowhere we can hide. No matter what we breed we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom come. This is my kingdom come. When you feel my heat, look into my eyes. It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.Don't get too close. It's dark inside. It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide."

-Imagine Dragons

"Good morning to you, good morning to you. Our day is beginning so good morning to you!" Lucifer sings. Sam starts to run away from him. To try and avoid the yelling and annoyances Lucifer has caused. But he knows he can't. He will always be there right when Sam doesn't need him most. "I thought you liked my singing!" He yells towards Sam.

Sam stops running because he knows he can never completely get Lucifer to leave him alone for even a couple of minutes.

"Pills? You do get that you're just bringing free drugs to the party, right? I am inside you, Sam. Hey. Sam. What's the longest a normal human being has ever gone without sleep? Eleven days." he laughs. Sam starts walking faster, but Lucifer stops. "hey. You always wanted to be normal, Sam! If you are, you'll be dead in a week!" he says. But Sam just keeps on running. Right in front of a car and gets hit. But luckily, he lives. An ambulance comes to get him and takes him to the hospital. A day or two after he's admitted, they send him to the psych ward because he's hallucinating and he hasn't gotten any sleep for days on end.


Dean barges into Sam's doctor's office asking where he is. All he wants to do is see his brother. It takes a few minutes for him to persuade the doctor into letting him see Sam, but eventually the doctor gives in. Maybe because he knows Sam might not make it as long as Dean had hoped. Maybe not, he could be wrong, but there's always some kind of doubt in his miind whenever a patient needs to go into a mental institution. He says its a full-blown psychotic episode. Dean isn't convinced. He knows Sam has ahd some problems lately, but he never thought they would get this bad.

He let's Dean onto the psychiatric floor of the hosptial explaining the best he can of what's going on. "Sam's condition, besides the broken ribs from the car crash, is either caused by the insomnia, or the insomnia is a result of his condition. We don't know exactly how to treat him, but we can't until we know what's wrong with him. We've pumped him full of sedatives, but so far he won't go under. We've never seen anything like it."

"Well the sleeping thing is kind of new." Dean tries to help.


"I'm just sayin', back when you had no soul, you never had to sleep." Dean opens Sam's door and walks in. "Ah, Mr. Helpless." Lucifer starts, but Dean can't see or hear him. "Pull up a six-pack, buddy."

"How are you feeling?" Dean asks Sam.

"Maybe you should cancel my UFC fight." he jokes.

"Yeah. keep that sense of humor, Sam. It'll get you through this."

"I'm gonna find you help, Sam" Dean reassures. But Sam scoffs. hee doesn't think this will ever go away, that Lucifer will ever leave him alone. Unless there's someone who can phisically hear or see what Lucifer does to Sam, no one will know the pain he goes through every day.

"Now that sounded a little cynical."

"I don't think it's out there, Dean."

"We don't know that."

"We know better than most. It's all snake oil. Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash. Remember?"

"Yeah, Sam. I remember."

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