Chapter Eight

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Harry's POV

This is ridiculous, call her for God's sake, if you're bothering her or if it's too soon she'll tell you. What time is it anyway? 12:30 p.m., fifteen minutes since the last time you looked idiot. After all she did shake her head yes when you asked if you could call today. What's wrong with me? I haven't been this shy about dating a girl since I was sixteen and I'm freaking twenty two, get over it already.

Third ring she picked up, "Hi Harry from last night, I was beginning to think you weren't going to call. A girl could get a complex standing by waiting half the day, who do you think you are Harry Styles?" she laughed. She always had a way of keeping me on my toes even when she was kidding and I liked it.

"Well yeah actually I do think I'm Harry Styles and I would never stand up a lady. So are you up to anything special today? I mean would you like to do something with me?" I rolled my eyes realizing how lame I sounded.

"Exactly what do you have in mind Mr. Styles?"

"If there's something you'd like to do we can certainly go for that, but if not how would you like to go to the Renaissance Faire? Its opening weekend," I finished.

"Wait you can go to something like that without being mobbed? How is that possible? We were stopped like twenty times looking at art and it wasn't even crowded. The place will be packed on the first weekend." She was clearly perplexed and it made me smile.

"Why don't you let me worry about that, if you want to even go that is? If not we can think of something else," I offered.

"Are you kidding? It sounds like a blast; I'd love to go as long as you'll be okay. When will you be here?" she chirped.

I could hear her smile through the phone. I had an alternate plan had she not wanted to venture too far outside the city, but since she was up for it we'd save the Getty Museum for another time.

"I can be there in twenty minutes or if you need longer to get ready just give me a time," I concluded.

"I'm ready, twenty minutes is fine. If you don't want to put up with the cupid twins you can always text me when you arrive and I'll meet you at your car," she suggested.

"Nonsense, I would never do such a thing. I don't have to come in if you want, but I will always come to your door. So Miss Meyer I will see you in twenty minutes," I finished.

I decided to take the Mercedes in case she wanted to ride with the top down since it was such a beautiful day. Liam called on my way out the door. He had just landed at LAX and wanted to know if I was going to pick him up. I hadn't forgotten his schedule and had already arranged for a car to bring him to my house since that's where he always stayed when we were both in town. I gave him the new security codes to the gate and the house and made sure he had his key. The mention of my date didn't slide past him and he settled on hearing about the details after I got back. Liam had always been the yenta of our band of brothers needing to know chapter and verse on everything. For now he would just have to wonder.

I was taught at an early age to always be prompt and like most times I was early. Since it was only by five minutes I decided to go on up to her flat since she said she was ready when I called. I rang the doorbell and was pleased when she opened it this time. She offered for me to come in while she gathered her things. I briefly kissed her on the cheek and entered with a certain amount of caution. I looked around for her roommates in preparation, but neither appeared. She later admitted that she hadn't told them when I was coming so they had gone shopping.

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