Chapter 59

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*Your P.O.V.*

"Man, what the fuck is this shit?" you say putting down the 'salad ready to go' box.

You're shopping for groceries, but so far, it's gone wrong.

"I need food, not some healthy shit," you say and walk over to the "frozen food" section.

You grab a couple bags of chicken nuggets, pizzas, and tater tots. You put them in the cart and make your way towards the sodas.

"Hmm...Dr. Pepper sounds nice about now," you say grabbing a 8 pack.

You keep shopping around, grabbing junk food and what not. You make your way to the cash register slowly.

"Hello ma'am, how are you?" says the cashier.

"Good, good," you lie and put your stuff on conveyer belt.

He scans the items and puts them in the bags. "That's all?"

You nod slightly in confirmation.

"It'll be $53.95 ma'am," he says. You hand him the money and wait as he gives you the change.

"Here you go, $5.05, is your change. Have a nice day," he says handing you the 4 bags.

"Thanks," you say and start walking to the exit.

You shove the bags into the passenger seat and turn on the car. It's a cold day, weather man says it's going to snow later tonight, so you turn on your heater and radio.

"Kiss FM! Well, let me just say, One Direction has been banging it! Killing the charts with their music. But, 4 of the 5 are supposedly single. Yes, yes now some of you are thinking, wait is Niall single now? There's been rumors that he told someone that he and his fiancé have called it quits-" says the host.

You change the radio station and grip the steering wheel. Did Niall really say he's single?....Is it really over?

You curl your hand into a fist and hit the steering wheel. "What the fuck?!" you yell. "Are you serious?!"

You shut your eyes to keep the tears from falling.

"He's not worth it," you think. "He's not worth the time or tears."

And with that in mind, you pull out of the parking lot and drive back home.


*Back home*

"What to do now?" you say laying back against the couch.


"So, how was today?" texts your mom.

"Good, I went to the grocery store," you reply.


"Really? That's all?!"

"Yes mom, at least I went out. Right?" you text back and roll your eyes.

As you pull the fleece throw over you, you hear a knock on the door.

"Oooo yay, my food is here," you say standing up with the blanket around you. Grabbing your wallet from the coffee, you walk towards the door.

"Finally you're here," you say opening the door and looking up from your wallet.

You gasp and drop your wallet....



*Niall's P.O.V.*

"Hey Y/N," I say, bending over and picking up her wallet. "Um, I guess you ordered take out?"

I hand her the wallet, she looks at me, and snatches it from me.

"What are you doing here?" she snarls.

"I...can I come in?"

She stares me down, mouth in a firm line, and eyebrows furrowed.

"I guess," she says taking a step back to allow me in.

"Thanks," I mumble stepping inside. I look around and notice that she hasn't done much to the house. The only difference is that it's a bit messy.

"What to do you want Niall?" she asks closing the door and crossing her arms across her chest.

I finally get a good look at her and notice that she's gotten bigger since I've last seen her.

"I want to talk," I say sitting on the couch.

"You want to talk?! Really?! Niall, you fucking ignored me the past week!" she scoffs. "You've been partying your ass off. Yes, I've seen the damn pictures online and what not."

"Sorry, I needed to let loose. Everything has gone terribly wrong Y/N," I reply, trying to keep my tone calm. "That's why I want to talk."

"Talk about what?" she says, narrowing her eyes.

"About us, what else?"

She shifts her weight to one leg and sighs. "Niall, I'm not in the mood. When did you get here?"

"Yesterday actually," I reply. "First, can I ask you a question?"

She raises her eyebrow and nods slowly.

"How have you been?...Like pregnancy," I ask nervously.

She makes a face and shrugs, "Good I guess. Why would you care?"

"Because you're still the mother of my child," I snap. "I still care about you."

"No you don't, stop lying Niall," she says. "If you did care, you wouldn't have been partying and telling people that we're over."

She groans and stomps off towards the bedroom. "Fuck you Niall," she yells slamming the door.

I flinch at the last words and close my eyes to calm myself down. Did she say that I supposedly said that I'm single? What the fuck? I've never actually said that before. Fucking media...

I get up from the couch and walk to the bedroom.

"Y/N open the door," I say knocking on the door.

"No Niall," she says. "Go away! I don't want you here!"

I roll my eyes and say, "Don't lie to yourself Y/N. I know you miss me...right?"

She doesn't reply.

"Don't tell me you miss everything we had. We have so many memories together. I'll tell you this, I miss you like crazy. I only partied because I thought it would help with the ache, but it didn't. I'm sorry you had to see the pictures. I didn't mean you to get the wrong message, like as if I was over you...because I'm not. I still care about you and Riley. I've made a mistake...a huge mistake that I will never forgive myself. Please, please, talk to me," I beg. "Please open the door."


"Why should we talk?" she finally says.

"Because I'm not leaving until I know for a fact we're okay," I say leaning against the door. "Please Y/N, please don't be like this."

Once again, silence....

"Y/N?" I ask and then I feel the door knob twisting. She opens the door slowly and peeps her head out.

"Don't you try anything on me Niall," she says.

"I won't," I promise her.

She sighs and opens the door all the way letting me in. She walks back to the bed and sits. She leans against the headboard and crosses her legs.

I sit at the foot of the bed on the other side and look at her. "Can I start off?"

She nods in agreement and looks at me.

"Listen, Y/N, I know you probably still hate my fucking guts. But...can we start fresh? I really want to try to work this out. I know it'll take time for this to work. But...If you agree, I promise I'll give it 10000% honesty and effort, I won't let you down," I say.

"You said that before Niall and look what happened," she says, staring at me. "You fucking ruined it. My trust for you has completely gone away. Everything is gone-"

"Everything? So you don't love me anymore?" I ask, interrupting her.

She opens her mouth and then shuts it. She looks down and crosses her arms. "I...I...."

"What Y/N? Please tell me the truth, if you don't then...that's okay," I lie.

"I...I.." she stutters. "I..I mean like...well it's...complicated."

"Complicated?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Have you found someone else?"

"What? No! Of course not! I mean like..." she says. "I...don't know."

I nod slowly and rub my forehead, "Well, that's okay too, I guess. But just to let you know, I still love you."

"That's cool," she says looking away and towards the wall.

"Yeah, but...are you willing to work this out?" I ask. "Are you willing to give me another chance to help you?"

"Niall," she says and turns her focus back on me. "It's not easy to just say yes. How am I sure that you're going to keep your word?"

"If I ruin this time, you can do whatever you want with me," I reply. "Just keep me in Riley's life."

She nods and looks at the bed. "I don't know Niall. If I say yes, where will you reside?"

"I'll look for an apartment or something," I reply shrugging. "I'll figure something out. Don't worry about it. I'll be here, I won't leave unless you say so."

She rubs her arm and bites her lip like she always does when she's in deep thought.

"I....I....don't get me wrong, but like...won't it be weird?"

"Weird? What do you mean?" I ask.

"Like...gaining back my trust," she replies.

"I've done it before Y/N," I say.

"But I don't want that again Niall," she says. "I want genuine things. Not some nice words or things. You can't woo me over or buy me."

I nod slowly, understanding what she really wants. Y/N doesn't want me to repeat the things I did from the past.

"I can do that," I say and look at her. "So does this mean you're agreeing?"

She shrugs and picks at the bed. "If things don't work out between us, you're still here for Riley right?"

"Of course," I say. "I'm not leaving Riley."

She sighs and taps her fingers on her lap. "As long as you keep your word of not leaving Riley,I agree."

I smile slowly, trying to contain my excitement.

"Thank you," I say.

She nods and says, "Can you answer me this?"

I nod.

"Did you say that you're actually single recently?"

I shake my was and roll my eyes, "of course not. I said nothing."

"So what are we?" She asks.

"Complicated relationship?" I reply shrugging.

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