I miss my mom

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Lily POV

"Get out of me! You're already late!!!!" I tell the child I'm carrying. I'm 9 months and a week. I'm cranky, I feel like crap, I look like crap, I am sick and tired of being pregnant I want this damn baby out of me! I internally scream. Aaron was on a case, thankfully it's only an hour away so if this child decides they want to be born. With the sirens on Aaron should hopefully make it. Jack was at school right now and since I was on medical leave, I was here before and after school. The bus should be dropping him off soon. I look up at the time "I should prepare the afternoon snack. And maybe eat an entire pineapple!" Pineapple help induce labour, you know I've only been in preterm labour for over a month and stuck at 2cm, with the occasional contractions. But hey I'm not salty... I feel a pain in my lower abdomen, I am so fucking salty! I was about to swear out loud when I hear the door open.

I turn and see Jack with a smile on his face "Hi momma!" I smile at him "Hey bud I was just about to get your snack ready. Want to help with the crackers?" He smiles "Yes please!" And run towards the kitchen. I shake my head and follow him. We get to the kitchen and I take out the marble cheese cutting a few pieces while Jack places the crackers on the plate. We do so in comfortable silence then I heard a little sniffle I turn and see Jack is shaking a bit. Was he crying? I stop what I'm doing and put my hand on his shoulder, he looks at me tears in his eyes. "Jack sweetheart, why are you crying?" He frowned "I don't want to make you upset." I look at him with an eye town raise, "Why would crying make me upset?" He sighed "Not the crying. The reason..." I blink and put my hand out. We bring the snack to the living room and I sit him down, I sit beside him "Why do you think I'll be upset?" I say quietly wondering what was going on in his head. Then he mumbled something that I couldn't understand "Jack speak up a little so I can hear you, I want to try and help but I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong." He looked up at me and said "I miss my mom." I smile, I wasn't hurt at all, it's normal for him to miss his real mom. He saw me smile and said "You're not upset or mad?" I shake my head and hug him tightly "Of course not Jack. It's okay to miss your mom. Just know that no matter what she is always here and she will always love you." He wiped his tears and hugged me "I love you." He mumbled I feel my own tears forming "I love you too bu-"

At that moment my water broke. Jack eyes widen "Did you pee yourself?" I giggle and wince at the pain "No no, Jack I need you to call daddy okay. Tell him my water broke." Jack nods not understand and leaves with the house phone. I pick my cellphone up and call Garcia "Hello peaches!" I take a deep breath "Pen... My water broke." It took a few seconds but then I heard her gather her thing "IM ON MY WAY PEACHES KEEP BREATHING." She hangs up and I grind my teeth not let out a sound of pain that could scare Jack. Jack ran in with the phone and gave it to me, he then left pack a bag I'm guessing Aaron told him what was going on "Aaron." I mumble into the phone, "I'm going to the hospital did you call Garcia." I can tell he was nervous "Yeah I did. She should be here any minute. Aaron I'm scared." I let it a small moan of pain "It's going to be okay just keep breathing. I'll see you soon I love you." He hung up and there was a knock at the door followed by Garcia walking it. I yell up at Jack "Jack let's go meet your sibling!" He ran downstairs with a bag and want to the car, I giggled at his excitement followed by another moan of pain. Garcia helped me up "Keep breathing mama. You'll get to meet your treasure soon." I laugh "It's about damn time. Thank you Pineapples."


Heyy guys, sorry for the late update. My son was sick for an entire week. Then I got it, after that I had some irl things to handle. Still a lot going on but I decided to write this. Sorry if there's spelling or grammar mistakes. I have to be in a meeting in 10 minutes.

Love you all!

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