Preference #3 ~ Favorite TV Shows

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Game of Thrones
"It's the best tv show ever!" Dean said and finally convinced you to give it a try. A few sleepless nights later you're just as addicted as he is.

That's the show you recommended to Dean. You have already seen every single episode, but you're more than happy to watch it again.

Sometimes when you need to laugh a bit and take life less serious, you both watch Scrubs.
There is no Dr Sexy, but it's a perfect mix of drama and comedy.


Two lawyers, almost like brothers, solving cases. Does that sound familiar? The only difference:
It plays in a normal world without monsters.
You guys also love the humor of the show.

A blind man trying to take care of his hometown and it's people. He's a lawyer at daytime and a masked hero at nighttime.
Sometimes, his bravery reminds you of Sam.

How I met your mother
You both love the show, because it shows lives that are just normal.
It's about family and friends and finding love. It's about creating a family.
It's all that Sam and you ever wanted.


House of Cards
Cas found the show on Netflix and he begged you to watch it with him. He loves that it's about politics because he always wants to learn more about humans and how they think.

One Tree Hill
When you found the show, you immediately fell in love with it. Since you watch House of Cards with Cas, he has to watch One Tree Hill with you.
And now, he loves it too.

The Big Bang Theory
There is one person that is even weirder than Cas:
Sheldon Cooper.
Cas loves to learn all about science and you love to laugh at the jokes. Sometimes, Cas understands them and laughs with you. But even when he doesn't, he loves to just hear and watch you laughing - being happy.


Hey guys ❤️
Okay so I have two questions:

1. Do you watch a few of these shows?

2. Which one's your favorite chapter so far? :)

You guys are the best! ❤️

Always Keep Fighting
~ A

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