Dragon Stone

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Unknown P.O.V
I laid there not moving as I watched the travelers come into the cave. One of the travelers was a girl, she seemed to be leading them with confidence though I could feel her excitement. I looked at the other traveler he was a man. He seemed to be connected to the girl somehow maybe soul mates? Eh, haven't seen one in years. I finally looked at the last one. I nearly shot out of my spot. A DRAGON! Yes, yes I know who these people are! Never said anything about a man But it's okay THEY'RE HERE! Once the got real close to the stone I stepped out.

Havens P.O.V

We looked at the beautiful cave. It has holes in the ceiling emitting a beautiful light. The trees grew thick and the foliage was teeming with lizards and other life that has made its way into this safe haven
(ha you see what I did there safe haven!)
The cave was quite large but after a moment of looking and taking it all in we started moving forward. After a few moments Aradace stepped back a few yards to make sure it wasn't a trap. We slowly made our way to the altar where the Dragon stones would be. When we finally made our way to the forest before I could step in the forest a figure stepped out from the shadows. I gasped I heard Kain gulp and I heard Aradace behind me growl. She stepped forward and hid me behind her leg. The other Dragon dipped his head and spoke. "Greetings, Haven in glad you have survived so far to be so big and such a leader. You've done good darling. Aradace, you've done good taking care of her, a fine Dragon you've grown to be." I took another breathe and stepped forward the other Dragon dropped his head down to looks me in the eye and I said "Well, you seem to have us at the disadvantage. You see you know our name but we do not know yours. If you would be so kind to share your name?" I stared him in the eyes and after a moment he dropped his eyes and said "Yes, my queen, you see I do not have a name, I was never named by my rider because I've yet to find him..." Kain took a step forward so he was at my shoulder. He brushed up against me and as I felt the sparks it made me shiver. Kain said "Dragon? How old are you?" and what Dragon are you?" the Dragon looked at Kain with new respect. He said "I am 18 and I am a mountain Dragon. Me and Kain looked at each other, "The Parchment!" I looked back at the dragon and Kain took a step forward and held out his hand. The dragon looked at Kain and dipped his head to lay his head against his hand. There was a connection, evident on both of their faces. The dragon reared his head back and looked at Kain with new found love. Kain whispered "your my dragon..." The dragon grew very happy. He Reared up and let out a roar of joy. He flapped his wings and we all laughed covering our eyes. Kain stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the dragons neck, well as far around as he could get. Since Kain was 2 years older his dragon was 2 years older than Aradace meaning His dragon was much bigger. Kain stepped back and said "Dragon your name is now Briggen." Briggen dipped his head and smiled. Me and Aradace looked at each other knowing what would happen tonight. After a moment, Briggen and Aradace stepped to the side and Me and Kain stepped forward we walked up to the altar and looked at it. It was made of rock with 4 rocks in the shape of a cylinder on the edge of the altar. It was beautiful. I groped around in my backpack and found my Dragon stone. I looked through it and suddenly there were dragons dancing around in the stone. There were mountain dragons and water dragons there were beautiful green forest dragons. There were white dragons and then there was a fire Dragon. Only one. There were many of the other dragons but only 1 fire Dragon. I'm guessing Aradace is the only one. I smiled sadly at the vision. I finally took a breathe. I said "I am Haven the Dragon Queen. Show me where you reside so I can find you." I don't know where the words came from but all the dragons danced to different points on the altar. I smiled. I picked a direction. "W!" all the sudden there were only the dragons on the w point. There were about 38 of them. There were a mix of blue and green. I smiled and then there was a spark and a line of blue and green sprang from the altar and it zipped down through the tunnels. It pulsed like a heartbeat. I looked at all the dragons and they were jumping and flying and dancing across the altar. I grabbed Aradace and Kain grabbed Briggen and they started running through the tunnels following the lines. After a while we all decided it was time to stop. After the Dragon had ran for 2 hours straight we decided they should walk to conserve their strength for flying. Now 4 hour later we have stopped. After Kain and Briggen fell asleep together. I got up and walked through the tunnels still following the line. After a little bit of walking I felt the wind on my shoulders. I laughed and took a deep breathe through my nose. I smelled the crisp smell of nighttime winds. I heard the hoot of an owl and the growls of an animal stalking for a nighttime meal. I crept up and saw the stars. I looked around and noticed the blue and green line going through the forest. It was a beautiful warm night. The moon was full and it shed a cream light on anything it touched. I smiled slowly. I looked up and climbed the outcrop of rock that was over the exit and sat down. I stared off into the woods thinking of all the dragons we would find. After about an hour I heard something below me. It was big. I'm guessing it was Aradace coming to see what was wrong. I waited. I heard a huff and a sweet voice say "Oh, what will I do with her... I bet she's so stressed about all the dragons. Shell be living in the deep black pit of her own thoughts for now on..." I went over her words and noticed that she was right. I had been thinking about the dragons and if I really could lead them and keep them well and thriving. I sighed and Aradace whipped around to look at me. She let out a sigh of relief and she wrapped her very long snack around me. I squeezed her neck, not enough to make it hard to breathe but enough to find comfort. She straightened up and said "I am right aren't I?" I nodded and she said "well, I know what will get your mind off of that." I sat up straighter and opened my eyes wide. Was she going to fly? She nodded and I said "Woah did you read my mind...? She didn't say anything but I heard a beautiful voice in my head say "yes." then I heard it again say "You really think my voice sound beautiful?" I nodded and in my head said "Yes of course I'll never forget your angelic voice. I'm so glad we can talk in our heads now!" she laughed out loud and said "well yes. But now I can't talk out loud anymore so I can only speak to you now..." I nodded.  She nodded her head and said "But since you are the Dragon Queen every Dragon can talk to you Now in their heads... You can talk to any Dragon." I smiled. I liked the sound of that. I grabbed one of the horns Aradace had been growing. It was black and very beautiful. I grabbed it and slid down her neck into her back. She took off with me standing on her neck. I laughed and said in my head. "Lets go up to look at the stars." Aradace didn't respond but instead flew upwards. After a while she flew steady and when I looked down for as far as I could see there was a line that crosses over the land. I looked at Aradace and said "Do you see that line. The blue and green line?" Aradace shook her head and said "Only the Dragon Queen can see the line connecting all the dragons." I sat in silence and after a while of flying I felt myself drift to sleep. The darkness consumed my body and left me floating on the sea of nothingness. There was nothing yet everything going through my head. I let myself drift through the waters of life. Along the way I saw pictures. Pictures of everyone I love. I saw my mom and my dad. Aradace. Lain. I even saw Briggen. I saw so many other dragons but I felt that I loved everyone of them. They called out they said. "Haven! Haven, whenever you need us just wish upon a star. We are all looking at the same stars! You'll find us someday!" some called out "Come Home my queen!" or "We will protect you with our life!" some even said "We will always be there with you." then I saw Metin. She was sitting with a Dragon. The Dragon was white and when Metin touched the Dragon it would let steam through it's nose. I smiled. I let myself go even deeper into the sea of nothing. I smiled and then I hit a wall. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. When I was standing I noticed not once did I see myself with anything or anyone. I didn't see me as a small child and not me as myself now. Don't I love myself? Then suddenly there was a presence next to me. It was a Dragon and she said "Hello Haven. I am the Dragon Queen before you. I am here to tell you that your doing great and I know you'll make it. You and Aradace are doing amazing and I'm so proud. You'll be a great queen one day. I want you to know that tomorrow things will happen that you never could have been prepared for. Right now Metin is receiving the same words. She will realize that she never prepared you for this. But you will see through it and know what to do. I know you will. Take care and stay with Aradace. I wasn't there to care for her. My little one needs your protection as well as you need hers. Goodbye." I woke up and realized

She was a red dragon.

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