~Chapter 6~

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            “So, are you going to sneak out after this?” I asked, taking another drag of my cigarette. I was sitting on my balcony with Mike as we readied ourselves for another day at the clothing company. We’ve been seeing each other in secret quite a bit because I knew my dad would kill both of us if he found out we did this.

            “I guess so. Then I’ll see you there,” he answered, staring at his phone.

            I was about to ask him what he was looking at when I heard my phone beep beside me. I looked at it and saw that it was a text from my dad.

            Dad: Meet me at the office. Now.

            I felt myself growing nervous from the message, but quickly hid my emotions as I put my cigarette butt out and put my phone in the back pocket of my dark wash skinny jeans.

            “I got to go. There’s a key under the mat, just lock the door before you leave,” I said, kissing Mike’s cheek before running inside, spraying some perfume on me and running out the door.

“What’s wrong, dad?” I asked when I walked into his office. My dad was sitting in his chair, staring out at the city below him.

            “You know, Isabelle, there are a lot of people out there. Seven billion to be exact,” he started, spinning around so he was looking at me. “I feel like I’ve tortured you enough and we can send the Key Street boys back with a fair bit of information and we can start fresh with another company.”

            It felt like my whole world just froze. I was in complete shock and I had no idea what to say. I was just getting used to them and Mike and I were getting closer and closer. “But dad... we’re almost finished this project. You can send them home when we’re done,” I tried.

            “You’re the one who didn’t want to work with them. I’m just trying to do what’s best for you, honey. Don’t worry about me or the company, just think about you,” my dad said with a consoling smile.

            “Why do you care about what I want all of the sudden? It’s usually all about you, isn’t it? We are at the Nicolas Stone clothing company, correct? You brought Key Street here because you were being selfish, so they might as well stay so they don’t pay for your selfishness.” It felt like I was a volcano that had suddenly erupted. I just freaked out and it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

            My dad looked slightly hurt, and adverted his gaze to his computer screen. “Ok... I’ll think it over a little more. You... go get ready for your meeting.”

“So, when are you guys going to fuck?” Jaxin suddenly asked to break the moment of silence between all six of us. He was looking at me and Mike when he said it, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

            “What the hell are you talking about?” I shot, giving him a disapproving glare.

            “From the beginning there’s obviously been sexual tension between you two. It’s pretty much as obvious as Jaime and Vic’s relationship is. No use in hiding it, ladies. The truth is out,” Jaxin said, looking rather proud of himself.

            “I think you’re being ridiculous. Just because all of you annoy me more than homeless people and taxi drivers put together doesn’t mean I like any of you. Now get the fuck back to work.” I said, looking down at my papers.

            “Seeming a little defensive, are we?” Jaime added.

            “When isn’t she defensive?” Mike butted in with a laugh.

            They all laughed. “Ok, you don’t have to come out to us today. But that day will come. You be re-”

            Jaxin’s stupid rant was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. I reluctantly answered it when I read that it was Stephanie.

            “Yes Stephanie?” I asked, already getting annoyed with the conversation that was soon to come.

            “Hi honey! I was just calling to remind you that our family get together is tomorrow. I hope you bring a future hubby with you!” She enthused. I could almost hear her fake grin she was most likely sporting on the other end of the line.

            “Ok, I’m busy right now. Bye,” I quickly hung up before she could get another annoying sentence in. The boys looked at me with questioning stares. “Stepmom,” I quietly murmured.

            “Ooh, how many of those do you have?” Jaxin asked, teasingly.

            I rolled my eyes in attempt to cover the hurt behind them. “I’m leaving now. We’ll continue this Monday at one.” I quickly escaped the meeting room and made it up the stairs and onto the roof before sliding on the concrete wall and putting my head in my hands.

            I heard the door open and close, and someone slide down beside me. “What’s wrong?” Mike asked. I glanced at him, still covering my face with my arms. He was sitting awkwardly with his hands in his lap, obviously not sure how to handle me.

            “Nothing. Jaxin can just be a real douche sometimes, you know?” I muttered, leaning my head on the wall.

            “He’s actually nice most of the time. He was just making a stupid joke. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything,” Mike said, crossing his legs and getting his cigarette pack out of his back pocket.

            I quickly stole a cigarette and his lighter and lit it before passing him back the lighter. “The problem is, I’ve had a lot of stepmoms and every time there’s a new one, I seem to hate them more and more. When Jaxin asked that, I just couldn’t handle it. My dad probably doesn’t even know how many women he’s married,” I explained.

            Mike nodded slowly. “Well, at least you won’t make the same mistakes as him, right?” God, he was horrible at trying to comfort people.

            “Come with me to a family dinner on Friday,” I suddenly said. It wasn’t in the form of a question. He was coming with me whether he liked it or not.

            “Your dad would kill me.”

            “We’ll go as friends.”

            “Your dad would probably still kill me.”

            I chuckled. “I promise he won’t kill you.”

            He sighed. “Ok. Only for you.”

I Breathe You In Like Smoke [Pierce The Veil- Mike Fuentes fanfic]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن