#11 Boston Bombed

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This story was originally published on The Huffington Post on April 19,2013.

"Boston is probably the only city that if you fuck with them, they will shut down the whole city...stop everything...and find you." @_Happy_Gilmore

We take our freedom seriously. That being said, we're all holed up inside of our apartments and homes to allow the State of MA to do their jobs in finding this kid the FBI is saying is responsible for the lives of now 4 people and over 180 injuries. And we support them and no, we don't wish that we had an AR-15 to combat this child. We also don't appreciate your blatant NRA posturing while we're in the middle of this tragedy. We believe in peace and the fact that Massachusetts invented America.

When I came home to New England from LA, I had no intention of ever going back. Three years later, even after experiencing the devastation of the Boston Marathon bombing on Monday, I can still say the same is true.

The corruption, the greed, the plastic societies of narcissists, was just too much to deal with anymore. My life had become a boardroom game, a never ending spiral of ping pong matches between doubles teams of sociopaths and I was the little white ball being spiked all over the place. Well, sometimes I held the paddle, which really, in all reality is way worse than being the ball.

I had been laid off right after Obama was elected, I'd self-pub'd a book that sold a whopping 75 copies and had been made into a web series that about 25 people watched, I had an emotional affair to catapult myself out of one of the most emotionally/verbally abusive relationships I'd ever been in and in 2010 I was 'let go' from my swanky production manager gig, working for the spawn of Cruella DeVille and Miranda Priestly at one of America's favorite tough guy shows on Discovery.

I chose not to wallow in my new found unemployment (again), but to embrace it and go full on into a passion project of my own, a script about two girls in love on the soccer field. The idea picked up instantly and my producing partner and I were rolling with a starter fund and the WHOLE budget on the way from a studio in Tennessee. We were cast, partially crewed, the girls in the movie were training and then, about a month before we were to go into production, the earth opened up and nearly swallowed us whole. TN and our investors were under water, literally. It was 2010 and the great flood had just hit them. But the hits kept coming for us. We lost everything. My producing partner nearly lost her house. I was in the process of being evicted and the two lead actresses (who had been my best friends) turned on me, placing blame where they could to ease the pain of losing the movie. Our initial investors hated us, because the trainer wiped us dry of starter funds and there was just nothing left. Well, there was my body. My body was left, until that too was stomped out on July 4, 2010.

I had just finished meditating, but my brain was in an utter state of chaos, so I took a walk. It was late, but not too late to take a stroll around my normally safe neighborhood in the hills of Silverlake. I could see the Hollywood sign, so all seemed right in the world. And then three frat boys, drunk on life and PBRs approached me and asked me to suck their cocks. When I refused, they jumped me and beat the shit out of me. My only saving grace is that they didn't make me suck their cocks, probably because the people passing by would have REALLY frowned upon that. I crawled myself home and called the cops. I went down to the station and was told that because the guys weren't very descriptive (tall, white, khaki & flip flop wearing all-American boys) that there wasn't a very high probability of finding them and since I wasn't raped there wasn't any physical evidence. They might have been confused had they done a rape kit anyway. There's plenty of leftover physical evidence from previous encounters with tall white, brown, black, and red boys to contend with down there. I was driven home from the station by a cop with a Southie accent and it was the only solace I'd had in months, maybe even years. He told me I'd be okay. I believed him.

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