The flashbacks begin

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I had finally managed to fall asleep passed out on the couch around 4 in the morning only to be woken up as footsteps crept down the stairs. With hushed whispers of warning, they were trying to let me sleep at least but I wasn’t going to sleep if chakra was moving nearby.

“Good morning.” Kakashi said suddenly from behind me.

My eyes snapped open as I glanced over my shoulder at him, “Since when have you been up?”

“Oh since about  5. Hot chocolate?” He said offering me a cup. “You’ve never been a morning person, and I don’t expect that’s changed in the years we haven’t seen each other. So drink up, you’ll need the energy.”

“You were the only one who ever woke me up with hot chocolate, thank you.”

“Doesn’t Sensei know to wake you up with it?”

“Oh no, his goal is to give me some crazy new experiment of his without waking me up.”

“Yes, if she does wake up, I always get in trouble.” Sensei yawned climbing down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes as Tora joined us with the other genin following behind. Naruto was itching at the back of his neck quite persistently. “Naruto is something wrong?”

“I dunno, I think I was bit by something last night.”

I exchanged a look with Tora and Kakashi before Kakashi grabbed Sensei from the kitchen and Tora grabbed Naruto’s hand away. I walked over pulling the back of his collar down, a small dot was all that was found but because of Naruto scratching it, it was an angry red.

“Sensei! What the hell’d you do?!” I ground out between clenched teeth.

“Well you see, Tora was out of the question and you managed to attack me when I tried to use Kakashi so I went with someone who seemed to be a deep sleeper, to my luck he was.” Sensei nodded once, seemingly satisfied with his work.

I facepalmed, “I can’t believe you would use a kid! Wait, I was a kid at one point nevermind. Either way though to use Naruto! Sensei you have three seconds to tell me what it is.”

I began counting down as Tora backed away pushing the genin back up the stairs, Kakashi gestured for the senseis to leave as well and they left just as I hit 1. Sensei was shrinking back in fear, as he tried to make Kakashi let go.

“Alright!” he yelled, as my fist swung forward. I paused right in front of his face. “I used my newest elixir on him, it shouldn’t poison him but he won’t feel pain for at least twenty-four hours. So I suggest we keep him out of combat, he won’t notice when his body will hit its limit.”

Should I let this go? Probably. Will I? Hm…probably not. And with that my fist connected with Sensei’s face. Kakashi let go of him as Sensei fell to the floor cradling his bleeding nose.

“Chaos!” He whined. “I didn’t think it’d be that bad…you let me use teammates two and three, why can’t I use that boy?”

“That’s different, I thought they were like me. Naruto on the other hand is not your responsibility he’s Kakashi’s, just stay away from him and we won’t have any problems.” I hissed, walking towards the kitchen.

“Okay…” I heard his solemn reply. “So, the rules that applied to Kakashi now apply to the rest of our guests?”

I nodded, entering the kitchen and preparing everyone some food. “Exactly.”

 I couldn’t leave the cooking to Sensei, who knows what he’d put in. I only let him cook when it’s just the family eating it, otherwise I have to force my lazy self to make the meals. Cooking was difficult for me but only because I hated my time being consumed, I always tried to solve this by increasing the temperature which doesn’t always work out. Kakashi sauntered into the kitchen leaning over my shoulder to see what I was making.

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