A not so good bedtime story

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“Alright, well everyone might as well sit. It’s not the best story to hear while standing.” I started sipping a bit of hot chocolate as everyone took their own mug.

“I was on a mission, the usual C-rank stuff nothing fancy; I had just finished up and was heading for the town’s leader when I happened across a scene…

It was a young couple and their 4 year old out in the garden. The father was yelling at the kid, not stopping even as the he cried and repeated sorry over and over. His mother wore a look of sheer disgust as she just watched. The man raised his fist about to hit the kid yet no one stopped to help. No one even glanced up. It disgusted me.

So I stormed over to the couple and asked as calmly as I could, "Why are you yelling at your son?"

"If I don't yell he won't get it. He's an idiot, thick skulled if you get me! Bad grades poor attitude, he's a disappointment.” He seemed to be talking to himself before he finally noticed me. “Who the hell are you?!"

"So this is about grades?" I had said walking past him.

"No,” I knew it wasn’t about grades it was a show, a way to assert dominance. He continued yelling, “Now stay out of it."

I turned to the bleary eyed boy, "Kid, what did you do?"

He looked away for a moment. "I-I ran away from school."

"Why?" I had asked.

"The teachers yell at me, but I did not do nothing." I remember exactly how he said it, still struggling with grammar but clear none the less.

"Anything." I corrected, as he tilted his head.

"See he's useless,” The father had slipped back into the conversation. It seemed to me that he needed attention to be focused on him not his kid. “Might as well be a drop out." He had said.

"He's three," I guessed dryly. Now though I know that he was actually four. "Why aren't you sticking up for your own kid?” I had asked the mother only to get the cold shoulder. “Are you even sure it's his fault? What if he's being bullied?"

The father answered yelling even louder, just gaining more unwanted attention from shocked neighbors. I think I must have been the first person to have ever defended the kid.

"Yeah right, no kid would go near this devil's spawn. Isn't that right, demon! Monster! If you hadn't been born, our lives would have been perfect." He lashed out catching the kid in the side. I grabbed the man’s hand pulling it behind his back. I remember being so mad, I had nearly broke his wrist that day and looking back I wish I had.

"What is wrong with you?  How’s this kid a demon?"

"Show her!" The man yelled biting back his pain. The kid sniffled but did nothing. I, stupidly, let go of the man, I still regret that too. "I said show her!"

"I don't want her to hate me." The boy had all but whispered.

Icy Fang (A Kakashi Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon