Chapter XV - I can do this without getting slapped

Start from the beginning

"Hey Alana, they ready for camp?" She asks giving each one of them a hug.

"Yes, that's all they have been talking about" I say laughing remember when she told me about her school hosting a camp for children ages 4 to 10, for the next two weeks.

"Thats good, you boys ready to go?" She ask as they each nod their heads, grabbing their small backpacks from the floor by the front door.

"Bye mommy, i love you" they say in unison, giving me a hug before running out the door.

"I love you too!" I say laughing, as Molly follows them out, shaking her head.

"I see you in a few hours. Have some fun" She says waving closing the door behind her.

"Hey boo." a deep voice says from behind me, making me let out a shriek, turning around to find a grining Damon standing there.

"Holy shit, you really are back." I say with wide eyes, making him laugh.

I honestly thought that I was dreaming last night.

"Yes" is all he manages to get out before I literally run straight into his arms, burying my face into his chest.

"When did you get here?" I ask pulling away, walking into the kitchen with him just behind me.

"Not too long ago. Who were those little boys?" He asks taking a seat across from me at the bar.

I bit my lip, before answering. "Mine"

"Yeah right, no really, who's are they?" he says laughing, as Xavier comes into the kitchen.

"Damon, she isn't kidding." Xavier says grabbing a can of coca cola from the fridge.

"What?" he says looking at me.

"I gonna leave, i'll be in the stables" Xavier mumbles walking out the back door.

"I guess I have some explaining to do..." I trail off, chewing my bottom lip.

"Yeah you do."


Damon's POV

"So let me get this right, after I left for Iraq, you found out that you were pregnant, with my child?" I clarify trying to take in the fact that i'm a father. Two to twin boys.

"Yeah, twins. I was going to tell you right after they were born, but then I was told you had died. So I never got to tell you. Please don't be mad at me." She says her bottom lip quivering.

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