Chapter 1

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Chapter 001 <Default Chapter>

Pax Amor Et Lepos in Iocando”

Peace, Love and a Sense of Fun


“Hey, Fumiko! I need the phone!” Matsumoto Fumiko lies on her favorite sofa in the living room of the dorm, when the landlady called. “Yes, Ms. Yoshino, I'll put the phone down now.”, she replied. “What do you mean? Now, as in right this moment or NOW as in the day after tomorrow?!” Fumiko sighed, “Hai! Hai! Yes, ma'am! __So? Let's just talk tomorrow then? I have to hang up. Bye. Good night.” She stood up and walked off to her room. The room is totally dark when she entered. A light shimmered on her desk. She picked up the ball where the bright red light came from. “It's almost time...”

“Haa!” “Oww.” Kinimoto Akira and her brother Ashio were in their family's dojo. “You don't have to tackle so hard, you know.” Ashio stood up, winded. “I have no choice... Yay! Now you owe me a dozen lollipops and a stuffed toy!” Akira replied happily. The door slid open. “Dinner is ready. Get changed, you two.” It's Akabane. “Hai!” the two young Kinimotos replied. “Oh. Akira. I have to show you something.” Akira looked at her brother innocently. “Come with me.” They went into a shed in the compound that's used as a temple. They entered the dark room. “Sugoii! What's that pretty white light?” Akira exclaimed. “Are you ready?” Akabane said seriously, looking at the jewel his sister inherited.

“Shion, wash your hands before eating, will you?” Tezuka Nikki and her sister Anika were preparing their dinner. “Now where's that little boy gone to?” Anika is beginning to feel annoyed. Their youngest, Shion, is really a headache. “Mom! Dad! Dinner is ready!” Nikki called onto her parents. “Coming, darling!” Shion came dashing from upstairs. “Onee-chan! Onee-chan! Nikki!”, he yelled running towards her. “Shion, it's not like I'm gonna go away. You don't have to run, do you?”, she chuckled. Her brother could be a problem sometimes, but he is just adorable. “Nikki-nee-chan! Look, your Shikon is glowing.” He said while holding an orb, with a brilliant blue light coming from it. “Oh.” Nikki smiled at him.

“All units, alert!” “Alpha to the courtyard...” Ayame Blaunche is getting pissed off by all the commotion.. “How could I go out of this freaking house if those guards are everywhere? Don't they understand that I have to do something really important?!” Then she was grabbed by the shoulders. “Kyaa!!!” She's screeching when a handkerchief was stuffed in her mouth. “Miss Ayame, please do be quiet.” whispered Ayame's personal aide, Sonya. “I know a way out of the house and there's no guards there.” Ayame beamed at her. “Thank you, Sonya! Now, I have to hurry.” She ran off the direction the maid told her , all the while cradling a crystal in her hand with a sparkling green light emanating from it.


Everything is peaceful, the forest murmured stereotypically. Some people might be wondering why a dense forest isn't cut down when it's growing in the middle of the Tokyo National Park. People take it for granted, the forest protected by the oldest families in Japan, thinking that it's there so people could relax in the middle of the bustling city. But they don't know it's purpose in reality.

Akira glided into the park while humming a jolly song. “Oh. I can't use my Rollerblades in this forest. Hum! I'll just put them in my bag. Momantai!” She entered the forest. There's no park lights inside. She walked leisurely into the center of the forest. She emerged in a clear meadow. “Ma. I could feel the breeze here.” When she turned, she saw another girl with dark pink straight hair. She is kneeling on one side of the meadow, holding out a red jewel. “Soka...” Akira smiled happily.

Fumiko was going to start the ritual when she noticed this girl with long silver hair. “Queery. She has red eyes.” She thought. Then she noticed that this girl also got this ball that is white.

“Hi!” Akira greeted. “Hello. Uhm... Are you? Ah... You know...” Fumiko replied. “Do you mean if I'm an Edel Raid too? Well, yeah. My name is Akira. Kinimoto Akira.” “Oh. Hi. Akira? I'm Fumiko, Matsumoto Fumiko.” Fumiko answered. “Hello! Fumiko! Nice meeting you! Could I call you Fuu from now on? That is if you could accept me as a friend.” “Friend?” “Yeah.” “Ok. So, I'll call you Aki. That's nice isn't it?” Fumiko smiled. “Yay! I've got a new friend!” Akira is jumping up and down. Fumiko sweatdrops. “Ah... Aki -chan... Do you always behave like that?” Akira stopped jumping and stared at Fumiko curiously. “Like what?” More sweatdrops from Fumiko. “Ah. Nevermind.”


“Oh. Hello.” Nikki smiled to a green-haired girl that arrived in the park entrance running. “Huh?” Ayame could barely answer the question of the blue-haired girl. “If you'll excuse me, why are you running?” Nikki asked concernedly, looking around as if guarding for those who were presumably chasing the girl.

“Oh! Don't worry, nobody's chasing me! It's just that I have to hurry before the full moon closes in.” Ayame said while moving her head from side to side, to assure her new friend that she's fine. “Oh. In that case we could go into the forest together. I'm Nikki. Tezuka Nikki. What's your name?” she said. Ayame looked confused. “You mean you're?Soka... Ah! My name's Ayame Blaunche.” The two girls smiled at each other then began their trek into the woods.

Ayame and Nikki went deeper into the forest when they heard girls chattering. “Do you think that they are???” Ayame let the sentence unfinished. “I think so. Let's go?” Nikki said, motioning Ayame to walk faster.


“You're really amusing Akira.” Fumiko said in a giggling voice. She's been laughing since they've started the conversation. “Huh? What do you mean by that? I don't understand.” Akira asked. “Ma! You really don't know?!” Fumiko said, surprised. Then she began to laugh uncontrollably. Akira stared at her confused. She blinked. Then began to laugh too. “What's this?!” A girl's sharp voice interrupted the two. They've stopped completely.

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