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Virginia pulled her long, black hair back behind her shoulders, placing a black head band over her head. She threw on a black tank top with some jeans. She slipped on tall, black boots and pulled a black, hooded cloak over herself. Pulling up the hood, she locked her door and pushed open the window of her two story house. She stood on the ledge and hopped into a tree, pulling herself atop one of the large branches. She slowly descended downward in the tree until she reached the base.

She glanced around and hopped into the forested area behind her house. She weaved in and out of the large leafy masses, making her way toward the mansion that the king owned. Virginia thought about her family; her mother, Rachel Quarry; her father, Harvey Quarry; and her brother, Oliver Quarry. She believed they would disown her if they found out about her true self.

However her mother already knew.

The Dark Messenger is known as a mysterious person. The townspeople figure she is a "he" because of the women's social status. Virginia was always a secretive person, keeping to herself and being more of an introvert. She wasn't anything like her brother. He told his parents about all of the juicy "gossip," which to Virginia, felt like was the same exact thing everyday. "Oh this person did this," "oh this person did that," "this happened when nobody saw," and on and on.

As Virginia ran, she curled up her top lip in disgust. She made a mouth with her hand and opened and closed it as if it were talking. Virginia flicks her wrists and focuses back to the building looming in front of her. She smirks, Ha, and women can't do nothing, yeah right. She thinks to herself. As she wraps around the building and enters the front.

There are two large staircases on either side of her. She climbes the left flight and slinks into the king's throne room, her shoes making barely any noise at all.

"Hello Virginia. Come to pay a visit?" King Nathan greets.

King Nathan Jupiter Al'kenzi IV, a highly respectable man. He was another who believed women were treated unfairly, however only the queen, Virginia's mother, and Virginia herself knew about this.

It would make one wonder, Why choose Virginia of all people? Why not a man?

King Nathan knew of Virgina's other personality.

He knew because Virginia's mother is a Arcane as well.

Virginia's mother, Rachel Scarlett Quarry, was King Nathan's half sister.

The story behind that is very confusing.

"You know why I'm here. What is today's task?" She tells him bluntly.

"You know, that is why I chose you. You're not afraid to talk to me as if I were another citizen, we speak on equal terms, you and me. And you fight for what you believe in." King Nathan tells Virginia.

Virginia smiles under her scarf, giving a quick nod of appreciation. "Thank you, however I would like to know today's task."

The King nods, "Alright, I want you to spy on one of my people."

Virginia quirks an eyebrow, "Why so?"

"I have a suspicion that he is gathering information on other villages to keep for himself. Similar to what you're doing, however he is a very quiet person. It may be hard to figure much out about him, you think you can do that?" The king gives Virginia her information.

"Yup, anything else?"

"Nope, you may take your leave."

Virginia takes the letter the king holds out to her and she stuffs it in her pocket. She then dashes out of the mansion back into the forest.

This will make of an easy task. Virginia thinks to herself as she slips easily through the thick trees.


Large black wings.

Arcane wings more like.

Being an Arcane herself, Virginia gracefully hops out of the way, knowing the span of the wings.

She whips around, spinning on her toes, "Where are you?" Her calm, soft voice picks up.

A flutter of wings.

A large black feather falls from the sky.

Virginia plucks it from the air. Tracing the outline with her ring finger, she calms herself.

"Svelare." She mutters.


She flicks the feather from her hands, it floats to the ground. As soon as it touches the ground, the feather turns into that of a dove's.

"Frantumare." She speaks again.


The bit of foliage around the feather dies and a small wisp erupts from the soft downy strands on the feather.

Virginia gathers the wisp and holds it to her lips, "Ripristinare la vita." She wispers to it.

Restore life.

The light blue wisp glows gold and shines, this is the life essence of the feather.



The wisp crackles out of existence, leaving behind a note.

What Virginia had done was reveal the true meaning of the feather.

Arcane feathers don't fall off naturally, many Arcanes pluck feathers from their wings if they are damaged so a new one could grow in.

However, little knew that the life essence in a feather of an Arcane could also be used to retain a message.

And even less knew how to extract that message.

Those messages were almost always written in Italian, the language of the Arcanes.

Virginia unrolls the message to read the Italian language.

Vieni collega Arcane feedom bisogno moltitudine per tutti noi vogliono essere liberi

Come fellow Arcane
freedom needs multitude
for all of us want to be free.

Virginia stares at the note in confusion.


~A/N The following chapters will be written in first person because I find it hard to write in third.

I'm very sorry if you enjoy this third person limited POV, but it is not my style.

Also, I'm sorry if the Italian is wrong, I'm using Google translate. Italian is my main background, however I only know a few of the words. If the translation is wrong, feel free to correct me! Thanks!

Keep smiling my Poptarts!

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