Chapter 2: Sue the early birds!

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Teal...Blue and Green... Silver... the sound of waves humming against each other as they meet the sand...the soft breeze between your fingers, it swirls your hair around and leaves a chill.

Now I gotta hold back as I don't want to get beat up by my brother , "I honestly think your name suits you." I reassure once again as he gloomily looked into my eyes with a raised brow, silently insisting I continue voicing my thoughts. My smile grew at this test of sibling loyalty.

A warm smile appears on my face, Destinee you silly boy, "Ya know, it's a very feminine name, and you basically act like a whiny little brat half the time, so it suits that pretty face of yours." I respond cheekily.

"I hate you," He mumbles, stuffing another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

Frowning, "But weren't you just saying you loved me like two minutes ago?" I ask with a scoff. Oh buckets! I know not to be pushing his buttons but my mouth wont stop doing the talking.

"Lying's all I've learned in school." He sighs before continuing, "No need to be concerned about me all the time."

Ah there it is, "C'mon, You're my brother, I care about you so of course Im going to worry a little."

His forehead creases with annoyance but he remains quiet. I smile goofily,  "If you truly hate me, you wouldn't be sitting next to me." I hummed quietly while he scrolled through his phone. A spark in his eyes seems to have pulled his thoughts back down to Earth and before I know it, he stares at me blankly for a split moment, rising from his chair, picking up his bowl and strides off towards his room.

"Oh don't be so cruel!" I began to chuckle lightly, I call out to remind him that Renny is gonna be taking me as I rose from my seat and moved off to the living room.

In all honestly, his name isn't even that bad? His full name is Destinee King Parker. People usually call him just King since it's what he prefers, but I stick with calling him Destinee just because I enjoy pissing him off. It's my duty as his sister! But the thing is, we arent stuck in the 1900s, it's 20XX afterall! People are free to live and love life as they please, I just wish Destinee would grow confident in his name. He's my older brother, even if it's by a few minutes, I look up to him, he helps me with everything and I want him to realize how great of a person he is.

He and I are fraternal twins, the only thing similar about us is our eye color. He's more like my mom and I was told that I carry the same looks, habits and personality as my old man, and if that's the case, my dad must have been one heck of an amazing person with devilishly handsome looks. I'm basically the spitting image of beauty itself.

Cue badass hair-flip.

Living your life by feeding off emotions is not the way to go my dudes. Don't do it. It's not healthy. A sigh escapes, and I slump back in my seat, "I'm such a hypocrite..."

"What a morning to be alive!" hummed another male voice. My eyes automatically roll at his comment. He's too much of a morning person right now.

"Mornin' Cap'n!" I salute a greet with a serious face. I stood from where I sat on the couch and sauntered over to the counter that separated the living room from the kitchen. Field was clad in boxers only and I glared.

"Shut up with your nicknames, my god!" Field exclaims tiredly as he begins preparing himself some breakfast. I smile.

"Sorry, I'm only Dylan Parker, although some say I could be the physical embodiment of God himself, but I'm sadly just Dylan." I snicker before continuing, "But with your dramatic reactions, I will probably never stop my dude." I hum with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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