My grip on the bracelet tightens as I try to shake the thoughts off my head. I can't think like this. It is not real. Not real...

"Are you crying again?" Alec suddenly says turning me around and cupping my face. He looks at my eyes with so much love that, for a moment I feel the ground slip beneath my feet. I don't know what to say, I just stand in front of him and continue crying dumbly. He smiles and then leans and connects our lips. This is just too much and I don't know how to breathe. My heart can't stop beating frantically, but I take my chance in kissing him. I just forget the reality for a moment and throw my arms around him and kiss him so deep, as if my life depends on this kiss. And it somehow does, because it can be the last time I am kissing Alec. Let alone kissing, this is maybe the last time I am touching Alec. So I take it.

I am a goner when he traces my lip with the tip of his tongue, and I am forced to break the kiss because if we go any longer, I will be sucked into this dimension. I am glad that Alec gave me the bracelet the last moment, because it is the only thing keeping me at bay right now. Alec looks at me confusedly as I take a step away from him. This is just too much to take and I can't stand near him a moment longer.

"I just want a drink. I will be right back" I say without waiting for the reply and struggle to make my through the crowd, away from my brother, away from Alec. I am breathing deep when I finally find a less crowded place and lean to the tree clutching my chest. I am practically wheezing, trying to catch my breath, while the angelic sound of my brother singing a song makes it a lot harder.

"Ivy, are you okay?" It is Magnus' voice that makes me look up at him. His face is concerned and as I look at him an idea appears on my mind. I practically throw myself at him and grip his shirt.

"Magnus, you are the only one who can help me!" I say hurriedly making Magnus look at me suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I don't know how to explain this, but... Lets say I am from another dimension and I have to find a portal that will take me to Valentine!" I say in one breath and Magnus' eyes widen as he steps away from me.

"I knee something was off about you the minute you showed up" he mutters to himself more than to me.

"Magnus, please, help me!" I practically beg, because I am hurt, I am shattered, I am lost and I don't even know what to do. This mission was a mistake. This is all just too much. Nora is too much. George is too much. Alec is too much!

"Okay, okay, calm down, Ivy. I will help you! Just come with me" Magnus says and I almost yell with relief as he takes my hand leading me out of the park towards the institute. I let him drag me through the familiar corridors of the institute in silence. Because if I open my mouth, I will lose my touch. My sanity is holding up on a thin thread and it is this close to breaking. I clench my free hand into the fist and take deep deep breaths. At least I have a lead. Maybe Magnus will really help me.

We stop in front of a wall. I frown and turn to look at Magnus, but he just ignores me and raising his hand, he does some magic. The next moment I know, there is a door instead of the wall and without letting me say anything, Magnus once again takes my hand leading me through the door. There is a staircase and we descend the stairs standing in some kind of a basement. I turn to Magnus to ask a question, but we are interrupted by Alec's voice.

"Ivy..." I turn sharply to the stairs and there he is standing with a hurt look on his face and I immediately let go of Magnus' hand. It tears me apart to see the hurt look in his eyes even if this is not the real Alec.

"It is not what you think Alec" Magnus says rolling his eyes, and walks deeper into the basement leaving me with Alec.


"You left me there without letting me say anything and you leave with Magnus holding hands? Ivy, what is going on?" He demands standing right in front of me and my heart is almost ready to give up, because I can't take it much longer. This is all so messed up and jumbled that, I don't know what to do. I clutch my head tightly and close my eyes trying to breath. I feel a panic attack coming and I do everything in my powers to stop this. I wheeze and choke with Alec suddenly getting panicked.

"Ivy... Ivy what is wrong?" He says holding my hand, but I shrug away his hand taking a step away.

"Don't touch me! You are not real!" I choke out and the tears begin to spill down my face. It seems like someone is sucking the life out of me, and I can't seem to stop it. Hurt flashes in Alec's blue eyes, but I am so far gone that I don't even feel regret.

"Ivy what-" but he doesn't get to end his sentence, because something weird happens then. Alec himself holds his throat and stumbles back hitting the empty barrels on the floor, knocking them out. He closes his eyes and freezes in his place for a moment. And when he opens them, I know it is him. The real one. I breath deeply, wanting to scream in joy, because I am not alone in this hellhole anymore! Yes, it may seem like it is paradise, but it is not. It is hell! And I understand that, this dimension is doomed. And there are only two options here. You whether get sucked into it, or you become insane. No going back.

But Alec is here, Alec is here and he is looking confused for a moment around, when his eyes stops on me and they widen.

"Ivy! What is wrong?" He practically yells running to me and this time I let him, the real one, to take me into his arms and I bury my face into his neck gripping his shirt.

"You are here, you are here" I whisper brokenly over and over again, while Alec tightens his hold on me dropping a kiss once in awhile on my hair. I back away from his neck and cup his face bringing it down without waiting for his reaction and  glue my lips onto his. My kiss is so urgent that, Alec has no other option than to kiss back. He cups my neck and brings me closer, because he knows, he knows I need this. And he gives me what I want. Something, anything to hold onto reality, onto sanity, onto life. And he is the only who could do this.

I break the kiss and lean my forehead to his nose.

"I saw him. I saw him, Alec. George. He is here! He is alive. And then... And then there is you... Us!" I say sobbing and clutching to him for dear life. Alec takes my face into his hands and makes me look at his eyes.

"Hey! Ivy, hey, calm down. I am here now, take deep breaths, I am here and I am real. All those things, they are not real, I am! Concentrate on me!" He says demanding and I try to do as he says. I take deep deep breaths and concentrate on his blue eyes, trying to forget everything that I saw up there. Trying to erase my brother's face from my mind and the open love the other Alec showed to me.

His eyes seem to help me and I calm down a little bit. But we don't have a chance to say anything else, because the next moment Magnus appears on the corner with a smirk on his lips.

"Okay, lovebirds, time to break apart! I found the portal!"

This chapter was hard to write. I don't know why, but I didn't know where to start from or how to do the plot so that it is similar to the show yet different from it. Please leave a comment and let me know whether you liked it. I hope you did! Cheers ❤️

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