Ode to sleep

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Tyler fought long and hard for his life, whether he knew it or not. he's a fighter and always will be and he's still here, Josh consoles his friend while they cry together.


I cant believe I was so stupid and listen to someone who wasn't Josh, everyone's out to get me, except him. thankfully he heard my apology through our sobs and forgave me. once again, I fell in love with Joshua Dun, and I fell hard.

I knew getting out of hospital wasn't going to be easy like in all those weird fan fictions, it wouldn't be glamorously leaving with my love and riding off into the sunset to start recovery at home and my parents won't seem to mind, I won't hug them when I get home and they tell me everything will be alright and there's nothing to worry about because they still love me and I'll always be their baby boy.

I'll have to stay here and I'll have to look my parents in the eye knowing nothing will ever be the same again; not with Josh or at home or at school. the recovery isn't going to be hugs and kisses with someone politely asking me to eat more or stay cuddling all day. it's going to be cannulas and being hooked up to a bag of liquid food on a wall and being escorted to the toilet, it's going to be someone forcing pills down my throat and chemicals into my veins and 24 hour watch with a forceful nurse that definitely Is only there for the pay. i'll be lucky to even see Josh, the next couple months are going to be pure shite.


I owe y'all a bunch for sticking with me, exams and all that crap is coming up. on the other side, I've started a new story, so if I get time, i'll be updating both, the new one is about Frerard and Peterick injecting hard drugs, who /doesn't/ want to read that? 

Won't you stay alive? (Joshler fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant