I laughed and then I hugged Beth and she smiled a polite smile, "I'm glad your better."

I turned to see Hunter. I didn't expect him to have his hands curled up into clenched fist at his side. Wait a second, did he think me and Austin...?

"Hunter this Austin and he's my best friend. We play gigs together and this is Beth...his fiance."

He looked relieved after I said that and when Austin held out a hand be shook it and said, "Hunter, Sophia's boyfriend."

Boyfriend? He said he was my boyfriend!!!

I blushed and smiled at his words and he pulled me in close with his arm around my waist.

Austin Smiled, "Oh so this is the boy you've been talking about non stop."

My cheek went red and I looked at Hunter. He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, pecked my lips, and headed towards detention.

Austin and Beth took me home. My Aunt Abby and Uncle Freddy took off today and they were home with Henry.

That's when I told her about me and Hunter and I asked her about him coming here for dinner.

"Of course sweetie. You're like my daughter so technically he will be my son in law and you'll make my future grand babies."

"Aunt Abby, we just started to say we are boyfriend and girlfriend today!"

"And?" She says with a grin on the face.

I don't say anything for a while before saying, "You know I do feel like you're mom and you're the greatest at it. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Her silly face drained from her face into a serious one and her eyes were watering before she smiled as two tears came down her cheek. She gripped me into a hug.

"I love you sweetie." She said as she hugged me.

I smiled, "I love you too."

I texted Hunter about coming for dinner and he obviously said yes but I still got a little nervous. Last time he ate dinner with us he was just my partner on the project. Now he's my boyfriend.

"Yeah, they never did that in my days." My Uncle Freddy chuckled. We all laughed. We were talking about going to college and what classes we have in school and what we do in them. Then my Uncle and Hunter started making jokes about it.

Hunter got here almost two hours ago. The food wasn't done yet so we had hung out with Henry in the living room.

Now we are all done eating dinner and cleaning up. My uncle Freddy and Hunter were cleaning off the table and me and aunt Abby were doing dishes.

Henry fell asleep half an hour ago after he was finished his food.

It was almost 10 now and I knew Hunter had to leave but I didn't want him to. We walked up to my room after cleaning up and we probably only had like 15 minutes before he left.

He was still laughing once we were in my room, " Your uncle Freddy is hilarious. "

He was laughing but when he met my face he turned serious and came closer to me, "What's wrong beautiful?"

Oh how I loved the sound of his voice call me beautiful, my nickname he gave me. I haven't heard it before the incident happened.

I didn't realize I was showing how sad I was that he had to go.

"I just don't want you to go is all." I confessed.

He sighed and wrapped me in his arms hugging me.

"That's all it is?" He asked brushing a strand of my hair back behind my ear.

I nodded in his shoulder. He sqeezed before pulling away. His lips met mine and it was a slow but very breath taking kiss.

When we pulled apart he smiled at me and pecked my lips. We pulled away when we heard foot steps. My Aunt Abby came into the doorframe.

"Are you ready to leave now Hunter?"

He nodded and walked over to me and hugged me the tightest I've ever been hugged before. My aunt was laughing at the face I made but I soon relaxed in his hold and kissed his cheek while his arms were still wrapped around me.

Once me and Hunter pulled apart he yawned and stumbled a bit.

"Hunter are you sure your able to drive your bike?"

He nodded and smiled but he stumbled again from being way to tired.

I looked at aunt Abby and she knew what I was asking her.

"Just keep the door open and make sure you get up for school."

I nodded and she kissed my cheek before leaving.

"Wait, what just happened?" He asked confused about me and my aunt's communication through our heads.

I looked at Hunter and hugged him, "You get to stay the night."

He sqeezed me back and I went into the bathroom to throw on my pajama black short shorts and a dark blue tank top. When I came out Hunter was standing there with just boxers on. He looked at me and I mean really looked at me. He was checking me out. I couldn't blame him because right now I was scanning his body. He looked so unreal like a fantasy.

We met eyes and smiled at one another. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist looking up at him.

"No goodnight kiss?" I asked sweetly.

He smiled and leaned down cupping my face and pulled me into the most slow romantic kiss ever.

Once we pulled apart we stared at each other before I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down into a me. This time more urgent and filled with want.

We had made our way to my bed and we were laying down still kissing. He was on top of me. We pulled apart to catch air and we were staring at each other breathing heavy.

He smiled at me and his thumb went across my bottom lip before pecking my lips and getting off from on top of me and laying next to me in my bed.

We just layed side by side and stared at the ceiling before I got under the covers and so did he. I scooted closer to him and layed my head on his bare chest. He stroked my hair and our legs were tangled up.

He kissed my head and said, "Good night beautiful."

I smiled and said "Goodnight." Before slipping off to sleep.

We were walking into the diner the next day for lunch at school. Heather said hi and I introduced him as my boyfriend. We were laughing, talking, eating when he sighed and said, "There is a past of mine that you don't know about."

I looked at his serious face and I grabbed his hand and made patterns with my thumb, "What is it?"

He sighed and looked away before looking back at me and saying, "I went to jail."


I hope you like this chapter!!

Song title - boy by little mix

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