Chapter 9 // Castella Cafe & the Boy Genius

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Chapter IX. Castella Cafe & the Boy Genius 

  Saying Miyako was happy the whole weekend was an understatement. She was so energetic and she always has a smile plastered on her face. She was very happy and contented. And that’s a good thing right?

   The trio was at their usual table at lunch. It was not at the center but it was also not at the corner, it was a little bit onto the left side not really near to the door. Just the place they feel relaxed.


   “Where should we go this weekend?” Momoko asked bored as she took three pieces of French fries and shoved it in her mouth lazily. Kaoru was busy listening to her iPod but despite the blasting music through her earphones, she heard what Momoko said and just gave a shrug as an answer.

   “Oh I know! Maybe we can go shopping?” Miyako piped in.

   “Don’t you have plans?” Kaoru and Momoko asked in sync. Miyako just blinked at them, “Why would I have plans? With who?” She asked confused.

   “Oh never mind…” Momoko trailed off, a grin forming in her lips.

   ‘A weekend date with Boomer, perhaps?’ Momoko thought and lightly shook her head and smiled at her blonde best friend, who was now the girlfriend of Boomer.

   Everyone in the friend circle knew they were dating. But Boomer and Miyako don’t know that their friends knew. They kept it a secret. Scared that if her friends knew she was dating a ruff they get mad at her but she should know too well that her friends will always accept her or whatever the choices she makes.

   It was her life. She should do whatever she wants, why would they forbid her anyway? She’s not the only one dating a ruff, Kaoru was also dating Butch. But funnily, no one knows.

   “Besides, I can’t go with you two with whatever place you are going to spend Saturday anyways,”

   “Huh? Why?” Miyako asked.

   “Yeah, you didn’t come with us last Saturday! But in the end, you end up getting to spend half of your day flirting with Butch” Momoko crossed her arms and pouted.

   Kaoru’s jaw dropped, “I wasn’t flirting with him!”

   “Tell it to the judge” Momoko snickered. Kaoru rolled her eyes, “Whatever, my dad has a wrestling match tomorrow and he wants the whole family to see him wrestle”

   “Ohhh…” Momoko and Miyako said in sync.

   “I know a good cake shop next to the mall, maybe Miyako and I should go?” Momoko smiled cheerfully.

   Miyako chuckled; her auburn-haired friend knows too many cake shops. “I would love to go…wherever it maybe” She clasped her hands together and grinned.

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