30. " Light x Dark "

Start from the beginning

(*sigh*) "Oh that's right, won't Ma-kun be looking for you?"

"I already sent my Shikigami so he'll be here in a short while."

After having dinner the rain finally stopped. They chat while Yuuki shows some of her photos to Miharu, after some time there was a knock on the door.

"That must be Ma-kun.", Yuuki said.

"I'll get it!", Miharu cheerfully said.

Shortly afterwards, Masahiko came in with Miharu.

"Yuuki, we need to talk.", Masahiko said.

He notices Toushiro behind Yuuki and glares at him.

"Why is he here?"

"I just came with Yuuki to look for Kurosaki then we ended up here when it started to rain.", Toushiro said.

Masahiko looks at Toushiro irritatedly. Yuuki speaks to break off the stare down between the two.

"A-Anyhow... what do you want to talk about?", she asked.

"Before that is your Guardian Deity with you?", Masahiko askes.

"Yeah, she's still recovering her powers so she's resting for the time being."

"May I ask the name of your Guardian Deity?"


Masahiko and Miharu's eyes widen in surprise in which Yuuki and Toushiro didn't fail to notice.

"Is something wrong?", Yuuki asked.

"N-Nothing.", Masahiko said.

"Wow!! Yuu-chan is really amazing! The ruler of the Heavens is Yuu-chan's Guardian Diety!", Miharu said with sparkling eyes.

"Why did you ask about her anyway?"

"N-No reason, we just wanted to know. We were really impressed that your Guardian Deity is really powerful.", Masahiko said.

Then Masahiko's face became serious.

"If Yuuki has Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun then Shinjo-sama has Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon as a Guardian Diety."

Yuuki's eyes widens in surprise.

"How can that be?! It's impossible!", she exclaimed.

I don't understand, how is that impossible?", Toushiro asked.

"Shinjo-nii couldn't have a Guardian Deity because he and mom aren't related by blood. It has something to do with mom's lineage so only her direct decendants can have Guardian Dieties."

"So then how? Maybe he's related to your mother in some way?"

"Shinjo-nii's mother was a Quincy. Since Shinigamis live a lot longer than Quincys, dad and Shinjo-nii outlived her. I really didn't ask much about mom's relatives but as far as I know, she's an only child. I didn't know any of my grandparents either.", Yuuki said.

"Hara-sama also thought of that but he also couldn't trace any relation he has towards Haruka-sama.", Miharu said.

"Either way, he has Tsukiyomi on his side.", Masahiko said. "You know what it means right? You're destined to fight each other someday. The ruler of the light and the ruler of the dark, the fate of the five worlds lies in which side wins."

"I can't escape fate afterall.", Yuuki said with a sad look on her face.

"Yuu-chan.....", Miharu muttered.

"How's Haru-nii doing?", Yuuki asked.

"About that......", Miharu hesitantly said.

"Haru is-- ooof!"

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now