I was then turned around so I was facing Marc. Our faces were so close that my heart rate increased. He stared at me and then at my mouth. He looked at my eyes again. A part of me wanted to push away but the other part wanted to kiss him. What the hell was I thinking? I vowed never to fall in love. Oh stop with the vow thing and just kiss him. A voice said.

Marc leaned a bit closer so our lips were only inches apart. Marc closed the gap between us. At first I stood there frozen but later I kissed him back. Our lips were in sync. I felt Marc's hand travel up my neck and slowly rubbing in circles.

Marc was about to deepen the kiss when the alarm rang. That snapped me out of my clouded thoughts and I pulled away. We catch our breaths.

"I'm sorry..I shouldn't..." I trailed off and just turned away.

"You're a good kisser." Marc stated. I blushed furiously. I could feel my body heat up.

"I'm going down to eat breakfast." I said, trying to hide my face.

He just smirked and went inside the bathroom.

We were waiting for Mr. Cruz in the conference room. Marc and I haven't spoken since the incident this morning. It was really awkward.

Mr. Cruz came and we started the meeting. The meeting was quite long. It was an hour.

It was nearly lunch when the meeting ended so we decided to eat at the restaurant near the building. We went inside and a man approached us and said, "Bonjuor, Monsieur, Madame. Bienvenue in Le Bouillon Chartier." (Hello, Sir, Ma'am. Welcome to Le Bouillon Chartier.)

"Table for two, please." Marc said to the man. He smiled and led us to the table.

"What would you like to order, sir, ma'am?" He asked with a French accent.

I just looked at the menu and my mind was blank. The food they have were expensive. And then, I heard Marc order something so I just set the menu down. I really don't mind what food he ordered. The waiter left us, leaving us in utter silence.

I was about to talk when Marc said, "So...did you enjoy the first day of the trip?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah..I actually wanted to come here when I was a little kid."

"Where do you want to go other than France?" He asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know since I wasn't able to ask you last time." He said, smiling at me.

"Well, I wanted to go to Italy, Greece, and Iceland."

"Oh..I've been to Greece once when I was a teen. My family went there for vacation. As far as I remember, the beach was beautiful."

"Is it true that the sea is blue? Like really blue with wonderful corals and fish?" I asked.

He chuckled and said, "Yeah...you should go there."

The waiter came back with our food. It looks delicious. "Wine? Sir, Madame?" A sommelier asked, holding a bottle of red wine.

"Yes please." Marc said.

I took a bite of the food and I moaned. Man, this thing tastes good.

"I know right." Marc said. Did I just say that aloud?

"Yes, you did." I looked at Marc and he smirked.

"Kate, Ms. De Limo said she'll be in Paris tonight. I told her we could meet her at her hotel. She's here with her sister." Marc said before shoving the food in his mouth.

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