Knight In Shining Armour

Start from the beginning

I feel so helpless. Save me, Marc. Save me. I still tried escaping but Troy was holding onto me really hard.

He started kissing my face. Disgusting.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

"No! I never will!" His grip tightened and he smashed his lips onto mine. I started crying for help.

"Help! Stop it! Stop!" I shouted when I felt Troy's hand nearing my private part. I just closed my eyes and prayed.

Then I felt Troy being dragged away. My vision started to blur and my body's exhausted.

"Kate!" I heard faintly. My head started to become heavy and my vision darkened. I blacked out.

Marc's POV

"Kate!" I shouted as I saw her. She was a mess. She has bruises and she's almost naked. She fainted and I quickly went to her. I removed my coat and covered her body. I carried her to the medics.

"We have to bring her to the hospital. She might have internal bruises." A medic said. I nodded and asked the police to follow us there. Minutes later, we arrived at the hospital. Nurses quickly checked on her. The doctor came and asked what happened. The medics filled him with data.

"Nurse Lyra, prepare her for CT Scan."

"Excuse me, sir. We need you to stay in the waiting room." I nodded and called Stella.

"I found her, Stella. We're currently in the hospital. She has bruises and she's in for CT scan."

"I'll be there soon. I left early."

I waited. Stella came wth a worried face.

"Is she okay?" She asked.

"I don't know."

Then a doctor approached us. Stella and I stood up and waited for the results.

"Are you the guardians of Kate Jones?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"I'm Dr. Felipe. Well...Ms. Jones is fine. She has bruises but that will heal. Make sure she rests. She can't be stressed or tired since she's carrying a baby."

"She's pregnant?!?" I suddenly asked.

"Yes. We ran some tests to make sure she's safe. We found out she's pregnant. She has no internal injuries so she's free to go after two days. Just let her rest now."

I'm still dumbfounded. Kate's pregnant.

"Thank you, Doctor."

"You may see her in room 405." Dr. Felipe said before leaving us.

"Kate's pregnant." I blurted out.

"Yes, she is." Stella said with confidence.

"You knew?"

"Of course, I knew. I was with her when she took the test." I was awed.

"You knew and you didn't tell me?!?"

"It's not my place to tell, idiot." She said before grabbing my hand and leading us to Kate's room.

Both of us walked in and Kate was sleeping peacefully.

"Oh Kate...this shouldn't be happening to you." Stella said while sitting down beside her. I waited for Stella to finish. I could see bruises and my hands started to clench. I kept remembering what happened earlier. The baby would've died because of Troy.

Stella signaled me that it's my turn.

"Hey, I'll get some coffee. Need anything?" I shook my head and she left. I texted Josh about today. He'll probably be here tonight. I just stared at Kate for a few minutes. God. I hate seeing her like this. I should've been at the restaurant earlier. Her bruises were visible. Her glow disappeared.

I took Kate's hand in mine and said, "I'm sorry I was too late."

She shifted and opened her eyes.


"Hi.." She smiled weakly. Then she suddenly frowned and put her hand on her tummy. She's worried about the baby.

"The baby's fine." Her eyes closed and her body relaxed. She then opened her mouth to say, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was selfish and I thought about you and Margo and the possible burdens."

"Don't mention her ever again. I never liked her. And I would never hurt you. I'm gonna protect you, alright? I won't let anything happen to you or the baby."

"Thank you..."

"Oh and one more thing." I leaned in and kissed her. She was shocked at first but she returned the kiss. After a few seconds, I pulled away. I looked at her and she blushed.

"I love you." I blurted out. Her eyes widened.

"You don't have to say it back. I'll wait for you." I smiled warmly. She suddenly leaned in and kissed me softly.

"I love you too." She said after pulling away. I was still too shocked to hear that. She laughed weakly and placed her hand on mine.

"I fell in love with you a long time ago. I just couldn't say it. I was too scared to admit it."

"It's alright. I understand."

I put my hand on her stomach and smiled.

"Daddy's here to protect you and love you. I can't wait to see you."

Kate's POV

I was touched when he said that. I can't believe he said it first. I can't believe that he loves me. Those words kept replaying in my mind.

Later, I met Dr. Felipe and he told me to rest and not stress myself. I was lucky to still have the baby when Troy actually beat me. I'm glad we're both safe. Marc already dealt with Troy and made sure he was in prison.

Anonymous POV

A week later...

I entered the prison and waited for him.

"Mr. West."

"Hmm...I thought you wouldn't come."

"Of course I would. You gave enough money to sustain my family. Now, what will I do in return?"

"I can't let Marc have Kate. I won't let him be happy." Mr. West said with anger.

I waited for a few seconds.

"Kill Kate."

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