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Italics are for sangs thoughts

On my eighth birthday, i was sitting peacefully on my bed reading a gift my father had snuck me, it was a new book called Grimm's Fairy Tales. My room was a faded pink colour with gold stripes with cream coloured carpet,  inside was an old bed with a broken mattress, a book case with a few books on the shelves, a closet with a few clothes, an old wooden chest near the attic with carvings in it, as well as the chest of drawers and my painting on the wall.

I could hear the faint sound of her parents arguing down stairs and then the front door slamming. Father must be going on a business trip, mother always gets so mad when he leaves for days on end. 

" Sang get down here" screeched my mother from the kitchen, interrupting my inner musings.

"I'm coming" I replied as I walked down the stairs.

The stood my mom in the kitchen, her face was coloured red and she was panting heavily looking at me with a dark glint in her eye.

"There you are you little whore, what took you so long" snapped my mother,  her words brought tears to my eyes. She had never said things like this to me before, i wonder what I've done. " why haven't you started cooking dinner yet and why is the house so dirty" she continued looking at me with disgust. " I'm sorry mother I didn't realise you wanted me to" I said apologetically.

She look appalled for a second then the disgusted look reappeared and she sneered at me " HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK AT ME, YOUR NO DAUGHTER OF MINE YOU BITCH" she screamed at me then she slapped me in the face, and I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall as my father walked in he looked between us and settled his disgusted gaze on her, then turned back to me and said " sang sweetie go up to bed okay" I knew it wasn't a question so I just turned away and went back to bed listening to them screaming at each other.

The next day my father took me out to the shops to buy me things he thought I'd want. This became a pattern after every time she hurt me he'd take me shopping or to a class, this carried on for years in till we moved to Sunnyvale court near Charleston where i would finally be free.



I don't own The Academy or Ghost Bird series. They are the property of CL Stone, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.

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