11:23 pm

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you've got a face just like the sky
you're gray and ugly when you cry
you thundersob like you're insane
like stray dogs howl when they're in pain
you thundersob like you're insane
so no one calls you by your name
and when they need those eyes to rain
they just tap you on the shoulder
or yank you by the hair
and you walk like it don't matter
you act like you don't care
you vomit squid ink from your belly
and it's oily and it's black
and it gurgles out your mouth when the storm season comes right back
they ask you what it tastes like
and you want to make it poetry
so you say your mouth is cleansed each day by salt from a black sea
but reality it your teeth are rotting
and your mouth is full of sores
you shoot up novacaine to numb the pain
but you're always needing more
they ask you what it tastes like
and you never can quite say
cause it's not bitter, it's not sweet
more something like defeat
like walking home alone with roaches running round your feet

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