{A new motive}

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After John had finished his talk with Jade, he had went back to his room.

A day or two had passed, (no body was really sure, since they didn't have any clocks), and nothing had happened.

Everyone was at peace with each other.

Karkat and Dave had become friends, Rose and Kanaya would spend time together about fashion and other stuff like that, Nepeta and Equius were still workout buddies, Eridan spent most of his time away from everyone else, Gamzee was doing.. Whatever the hell Gamzee does, and lastly John and Jade had also become friends.

They didn't know why they felt so close to each other. It was almost like they've known each other for a long time. But, besides that, they were becoming good friends.

John woke up one morning ready for another day. Since there had been no murders, everything had felt a lot.. Nicer. As nice as being trapped in a school could be.

He walks to the dining room, going to open the room but *click*!

The door was locked. John shook the door more and more, but still nothing. The door wouldn't budge.

"What the hell," John mumbled. "Why won't this stupid door open..?"

"BECCCAUUUUUSEEEE!" Cal says, suddenly in front of John, causing him to jump. "It's your next motive!"

"Our next motive is locking the dining rooms door..?"

"Yep! And you're not allowed to open it!"

"But.. What about the food..?"

"Oh, you can get food. Once a murder occurs!" Cal laughs. John's eyes widen, not able to say anything. "You see, John, I've gotten a bit.. Bored. I'm bored of just sitting around, waiting for you idiots to kill each other! So, I decided to give you a motive! Until the next murder occurs, no one can eat! So, I'd get killing! Before you all starve to death!"

No.. John thought. This.. This isn't real! We're not going to kill each other over food.. Right??



So, let's talk about something


secondly, hey! Look! I updated. It's been a while, h a h

It's short and shitty. I know, but I needed a filler chapter for the next murder and stuff.

I'm actually excited for the next murder, but that's because I'm a horrible person. :D

Anyways, thanks for reading you cool kids !!


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