Day 1

30 2 7

Dear dairy, today mom and dad told me we're moving when they told me I just ran off crying. I didn't stop until I crashed into him the guy I've loved for what seems like forever James. I know we've been friends for years but... I don't know what to do I want to spend all the time I have with him, just looking at him makes me smile. The way he smiles at me and how he laughs at me when I derp. The thing is we leave next week so I have a week to tell him how I feel and when I do I'll do it like this. "Hey James there's something I need to tell you ever since that day we met I knew we were going to be best friends and I was right, but now we have to split paths I'm moving in a week and I had to tell you this I...I love you I've loved you ever since second grade and I'll miss you." then I'll hug him goodbye and go away. But anyways when we collided he was the first to recover and when he saw it was me he laughed and said "Tara I swear its like your my bad luck charm" then he saw my tears and got all scared that he hurt me I said no and that helped him, but he wasn't convinced but he dropped the subject and helped me up. I am really going to miss him and the way his dimples show when he smiles down on me like in my other dairies I said that he has always been about a hole head taller. We then started talking as we walked to our place at this park then we started talking about crushes this hurt me because ever since this one girl Julie moved into town he was had the biggest crush on her. He was talking about how amazing she is see Julie is the smart, popular, and athletic type something I'm not well exempt the part about being smart. If anything he should be telling me how smart I am, I'm smarter than her I'm the smartest kid in the school but I feel as if I can never even have a chance with her so yeah. Well at least when I move I won't have to compete with her. Who knows maybe when I arrive at my new school I'll find my soulmate. No, not possible. Well thanks for listening Dairy I know I will always have you bye.


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