loveing who i am

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That's the end I hope you did enjoy this little story of mine. I'm not going to tell you if it's true or not because some of you don't believe in things like this or some of you do but if you do believe in things and might be real and if you don't you might not be real it depends on what you see and what you believe. To me I believe in these things I believe Melinda is real I believe mermaids could be real and so could you. But if you truly have a power it can never be truly taken away from you it is in your blood you just gotta believe in yourself fight the feeling of losing your powers you will find it again. Nothing is truly took it away from you your passion your Fame your love and compassion nothing is talking really away from you you just your imaginations have just told you you have lost but you have not. Thanks for listening to this story and this is a story from Bethany to see out of her imagination.

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