find out a shocking thing...

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When I made it back to land because of the storm has hit me you found me all over the place finally have gotten here. We have to go all the way back to go and shoot the movie again I was like no way no how. I was too terrified but maybe my job was on the line so I had. So we went back to Mako Island. I was scared out of my mind I was praying that what happened to me a few days ago when it happened again. We were shooting the kissing scene again. I kept screwing up my mind can't get off of that beautiful mermaid I saw no one ever believed me they thought it was crazy. We decided to shoot a part of the movie with a mermaid in it. Then I see the smoke again I swim as fast as I can and then the mermaid appears in front of me. Time when I move my head or she's not Invisible she's really freaked out so bad. She said I promise to be safe but this movie is a scam don't trust them I tell you the mermaid of the future don't trust them you will go bankrupt and your life will be destroyed. I said okay and I got out of the water and I told him bad news I quit you have put me in so much Danger you don't care about me you care about the money you get from me I'm out raged. The producer said you won't go anywhere without me your life will be destroyed without me. I said I don't care I like my job being an actress I don't need you I'm famous I can get a new producer. And I left.

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