Mako Island

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I woke up in the middle of nowhere on this deserted island." Where am I, so pretty." I hope somebody finds me so dark and lonely😞. Everybody is probably being attacked by the creature that took me. " Well I'm stuck in here from my big fear being done throughout their big heart I'm so stupid." Smoke in the air surrounding everything. What's going on oh my God where am I awwwww. who are you." My name is Melinda. picture an illusion. Yes I'm just a conscience,to tell you that you will be alright. Body wave your hand back and forth side to side through the invisible person she is starting to cry." What is wrong said Melinda" I'm all alone and I have no one and I'm stuck." You are not alone I am here and there is one way out if you take the tunnel underneath the water you and into the ocean and on the other side of the wall there is this dolphin waiting to take you to your Island and make sure you are safe.

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