
"Well, Miss Y/N, I might just have to ask you to draw me sometime. But don't worry, I won't go all Titanic on you. You don't want to see what's underneath," He jokes, causing the first real laugh in a long time to erupt from the younger girl's lips.

"I'd love to, Mr. Jones." She says warmly.


She turns around when she hears Melissa's gentle voice from behind her, looking back to see her with a soft smile spread on her lips. "Hey, Melissa. I was just talking to Mr. Jones." She says, smiling gently.

"I see. He's quite the conversationalist, isn't he?" Melissa smiles.

"Oh, well sure, but she is quite the artist," Mr. Jones says with a chuckle.

"Oh, believe me, I know that." Melissa chuckles, patting Y/N's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. A soft sigh escapes the older man's lips and he smiles, tipping his head to the side.

"Well, I should get back to the cafeteria. It's pudding day, you know." He jokes. Y/N smiles, nodding.

"It was nice meeting you." She says.

"Likewise. And hey, my room number is 712 on 2nd floor if you want to come do that drawing we talked about." He smiles. She nods, smiling brightly.

"I'd like that." She smiles with a nod. Mr. Jones returns the small gesture before wheeling himself down the hall, and then he's gone. Y/N then turns to Melissa whose raising her eyebrows. "What?"

"Scott was right, everybody does love you." She chuckles. The younger girl laughs softly before her face turns into a soft seriousness.

"So um, how is he?" She asks softly, fiddling with her fingers. Melissa sighs, handing her the chart without a word, which scares her more than anything she could have said to her. Y/N takes a shaky breath before looking over the chart, scanning the symptoms.


Frequent panic attacks


Night Terrors

Y/N looks up at the older woman, her brow furrowed. "I don't understand..." She whispers, her eyes falling back down to the paper in front of her. "Yes, these are the symptoms, but--"

"He has what his mother had, Y/N..."  The girl's heart fell into her shoes and her lips parted her eyebrows raising in surprise.

"What?" The older woman sighs, tipping her head.

"It's called front temporal dementia. I don't know if he has it for sure, but with these symptoms, it's pretty damn likely." She says, folding her arms over her chest. The younger girl shook her head, her brow still furrowed.

"Well...Well you can help him, can't you?" She whispers, looking back up at her. Melissa sighs, shaking her head slowly and sadly.

"There's no cure, sweetheart.." Y/N's heart cracks a little more and she falls against the door frame, her blood racing in her ears. "But hey, listen, I'll be damned if I let that boy die anytime soon, okay? I promise you, we'll do something." Melissa continues, rubbing her arm gently. "Just...don't say anything to him when he wakes up, okay? Not until we're sure. I have under a sedative right now so he'll sleep." She says, smiling softly. Y/N nods, smiling weakly before pulling the woman into a hug.

"Thank you, Melissa..." She whispers, closing her eyes. Melissa's soothing hand smooths over her hair and she nods, her own brow furrowing.

"Of course, sweetie..." Y/N pulls away and takes a slow breath, smiling gently.

"Well, I think I'll go in there, chill out and draw until he wakes up." She says with a nod. The older woman nods with a gentle smile, patting her arm gently.

"He loves you so much, you know..." She says, raising her eyebrows. "Honestly." Y/N smiles and nods in thanks before slowly opening the door and tiptoeing inside. Stiles is fast asleep in the hospital bed, his chest rising and falling with every slow breath he takes. The girl slowly comes in, shutting the door quietly behind her before taking a seat beside the bed. She sighs gently, then taking her lover's hand in her own, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckle. She then looks down at the sketchbook in her lap, then looking back up at her boyfriend. His features are just so beautiful, she can't help but want to draw him. He's her muse. Her art. And so, she does. She flips open to a clean page and grabs the pencil she keeps in her boot, then smoothing a gentle hand over the paper before she makes her mark on the blank page. She draws every detail slowly, carefully, not wanting to miss a thing. His long eyelashes; his tousled brown hair; his strong, muscular arms, the arms that have held her so many times she can't even count; his parted, pink lips, the ones hers have touched over and over, the ones she can never get enough of, the ones she always wants more of; the adorable little moles on his cheeks, making his face somewhat boyish, even more beautiful. It takes her quite a while to capture all the details, all the ones she wants to remember in case--


She heard Melissa. Stiles Stilinski is not going to die. Not today, not tomorrow, not anytime soon. She looks up when she hears a soft hum escape his lips, seeing his eyes fluttering open. His brow hues meet hers and he smiles sleepily, rubbing a hand over his face.

"Hey, you.." He murmurs huskily, reaching a hand out to gently rub her knee. She smiles, placing her hand gently on his.

"Hey," She says softly, bringing his hand to her lips to kiss it softly. Stiles sits up, throwing the comforter off of him to the other side of the bed.

"You stayed," he smiles softly, humming quietly as she runs her thumbs over his knuckles.

"Of course I did, I told you I would, didn't I?" She smiles, rubbing a gentle hand over his chest.

"Did you get bored?" He murmurs, tipping his head to the side. She just chuckles, shaking her head.

"I kept myself busy," she hums, and that's when his eyes fall to her notebook, which is still flipped on the drawing of him fast asleep.

"Is that me?" He whispers in awe, slowly taking the notebook from her lap and looking over the picture.

"Yeah. I hope it's okay, you just looked really peaceful." She shrugs, resting her elbows on her knees. Stiles smiles brightly, letting out a breathy laugh before looking up at his girlfriend.

"This is absolutely incredible..." He whispers, his thumbs brushing over the drawing. She smiles, standing up so she's between his legs. She slides the notebook from his hands and places it on the table beside the bed, cupping his spotted cheeks gently in her hands before leaning her head down and slowly pressing their lips together. His hands move to her back, rubbing the lower part of it gently as their lips move in sync. She slowly pulls away, resting her forehead on his. "I love you, Y/N..." He whispers, his eyes fluttering to a close.
"I love you too, my batman..." She whispers, stroking a gentle and tender hand down his cheek. "I love you more than anything..." Stiles hums, his arms winding around her waist as his head falls against her chest. She buries her nose into his hair, one hand in between his shoulder blades while the other tangles into his brown hair. This was it. It was just them, right here, right now. Together. And that's all they both need.

*Hey guys! So, here's be first imagine! I'm actually really proud of all the details I put into this, so I hope you like it! ALSO I am taking requests, so if you have a specific plot or name, you can comment or shoot me a message and I will gladly write one up for you! Don't be shy, I'd love if it you guys did! Love you guys! ~Hayden

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