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"Skylar, concentrate. You can do this." The voice of my father filled my 13 year old ears. We were sat at our wooden kitchen table. The objective was for me to move a small vase, specifically, levitate it. Everyday for about an hour, my father would bring me a different item of his choosing and have me move it. Some days would be a success, and I could throw the object across the room, but other days, it wouldn't budge.

I stared at the piece in front of me, hoping, praying even, for something to happen, but it continued to mock me. If I didn't get this thing to move, then I would have to endure the wrath of my father.

"Dad, I can't do it!" My small voice cried. My father shook his head, and sprung from his chair abruptly.

"You're useless, Skylar." He spat before exiting the room. I stared after my father in utter shock. I glared at the object, and the vase shattered into the kitchen door. One day I would prove myself to my dad, and just maybe I would be enough for him.

"Skylar?" Steve's voice broke through the shaking girl's thoughts and her attention was drawn to him. "Sky, I need you here with me."

"I'm sorry, I just...never mind it's not important." She walked slightly ahead of Steve and looked around the building, which Steve informed her was where SHIELD began. The two stepped into the rustic elevator and were lowered into nothing but darkness. The lights flickered on and noticed nothing but ancient computers and equipment. Skylar and Steve walked over to a computer and she pointed out a small flash drive port. Skylar placed the drive in and the computer came to life. She typed 'yes' when the screen read to initiate the system. A thick accented voice began speaking.

"Rogers, Steven. Born 1918. James, Renée Skylar. Born 1990."

"I think it's some kind of recording," Skylar leaned into Steve and spoke softly.

"I am not a recording, Fräulein. I may not be the man I was when the captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am." A picture appeared on the screen. Something about this man seemed vaguely familiar to Skylar.

"He's been dead for years-"

The man on the screen laughed in amusement, "I've never been more alive, Captain. I received terminal diagnosis in 1972. My body could not be saved, but my mind, however was worth are standing in my brain. After World War II, SHIED recruited us German scientists with strategic value. While I helped there cause, I also helped my own."

"HYDRA died with the Red Skull!"

Sklayr looked to Steve, shaking my head. The soldier had no idea.

"Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." Skylar's frail voice spoke.

"You, my dear, should know that better than anyone, Crimson Ghost." He laughed and continued to talk and Skylar tried to block him out as best as she could. HYDRA has been inside SHIELD this whole time, and Skylar helped those rats. Her thoughts were overwhelming her. eskylar believed that everything she knew and thought she was doing right, was in fact her taking innocent lives. She choked back a sob that drew Steve's eyes toward her.

"You know, accidents will happen," The screen displayed the death of Howard and Maria Stark   The scene showed it looking as if it were a car accident, but that was far from the truth. Skylar James was given a mission to rid of the Starks, but she refused, and thus they sent the Winter Soldier instead.

"We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your Life; a zero sum." Skylar's wrist snapped towards the computer and the screen shattered.

"What's on this thing?" She yelled, cheeks hot with anger.

"Well, Project Insight requires insight. So I wrote an algorithm...but unfortunately you both shall be too dead to hear it."

Both Steve and Skylar looked at one another and knew what was about to happen. The elevator doors flew shut, and she was too late to keep them from doing so. Steve looked around and found a small encasing on the ground and throws the metal door aside. Skylar quickly jumped in and Steve follows suit. He wrapped the girl into him and placed the shield over them just as the building violently exploded. The lack of air and overwhelming news becomes too much as Skylar let herself drift into the dark.


Skylar's body felt completely relaxed. A warm lights brushed over her face and was comforted by the soft touch of fabric beneath. Before Skylar had the chance to enjoy this relaxation, the events of yesterday hit her lick a ton of bricks.

"Steve? S-Steve!" Skylar scaned the room for him and threw the blankets aside. The familiar blonde runs in from what she assumed was a bathroom. He comes to Skylar's side, steadying her by firmly holding her shoulders.

"Skylar, hey, it's okay! You're safe!"

"Where are we?" She questions.

"After the explosion, you passed out and I brought us to a friends. Don't worry, he's completely off the radar and we can trust him." Skylar let his words sink in as she sat back down on the bed. I can't help but felt some responsibility to the infiltration of HYDRA in SHILED. I've kept this information from Steve- well practically anyone- for so long.

"Hey," Steve says as he laces his fingers with mine. "What's goin' on in that head of yours?"

"I just...please don't change how you think of me. I didn't want to hurt you and you were the first person to see through me and-"

"Skylar, you've put these walls up and don't allow others the chance of knowing you. Despite how you see yourself, you're a great girl that has such a strong heart. All I ask is that you let me in," The corner of this lips slightly curve up into a caring smile.

"I knew about HYDRA...being inside SHIELD. I didn't say anything because I just gained my freedom and any chance of that being taken from me again scared me. I've been fed so many lies that I couldn't differentiate between what was truth and what wasn't anymore. When you saved me, I didn't say a word because I feared of going back to that prison and I c-can't-" I couldn't stop the tears that cascaded down my cheeks. Steve moved next to me and pulled me into his arms. My fists clenched the material of his shirt so tightly, that if I let go even the slightest, I will fall apart.

"They can't hurt you, Sky, never again."

The silence and Steve's comfort calmed my anxiety, and I was hesitant to pull away from him.

"C'mon," Steve said and he tugged me from the bed. "There's someone I think you'll want to meet. We have a lot to catch you up on."


I am extremely sorry it took me like 50 years to update. I got so caught up in school and work and just couldn't find the one to produce a quality chapter for you guys. I really liked this chapter because we get to see a little bit more into Skylar's mind. I hope you guys like it, and I'm hoping to get more cheaters up as soon as I can!!

Please comment/vote :)

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