Louis nodded. "Sounds like a plan." And with a one last smile sent my way, he walked out the shop, steaming cup of coffee in hand.


Classes went by like usual, and I strangely found myself anticipating the end of class, probably 'cos I had to show my new friend around.

After the last class, Geography; which I had with Val was over, we were walking side by side out the campus building. I must be walking a tad faster than usual 'cos Val remarked, "Do ya have somewhere to go?"

I grinned. "Yeah, actually. I've offered to show Louis around today."

Val pouted. "It's not fair, you guys are replacing me! Zayn with Curly boy, and now you're already replacing me with cute beanie boy!"

I chuckled, grabbing her in a headlock and mussing her hair. "Aw, silly Val. No one can ever replace you. Ever."

"Okay, okay! I believe you, now let me go!" When she had successfully managed to get out of my death grip, she stuck her tongue out at me and smoothed down her hair.

"Now go on, have fun with your friend! And I want details later!" She called out to me. I just chuckled and started walking in the direction of the Old Bridge.


When I reached the bridge, just like yesterday, Louis was standing at the edge, admiring the water with a peaceful expression on his face. He was wearing a woolen beanie, and I briefly wondered why even if it was quite hot today. I myself was wearing a cotton shirt and cargo shorts.

"Hey." I walked over to Louis, standing beside him.

"Hi. So, where to first?" Louis was talking a lot more than he was yesterday, I observed yet again. Not that that's a bad thing. It's good that he's finally warming up to me.

"Hmm, I've an idea. Come on." Walking side by side, I took Louis to the fishing docks.

"Here?" Louis asked, looking around. "Though the view is quite nice here."

"Nope, we're not there yet," I told him.


I led him to the bait shop by the lake, walking inside and greeting Sam, the elderly bait shop owner who was like a grandpa to me.

"Hey Sam!" I greeted. Sam looked up from the newspaper he was reading, his wrinkled face forming a warm smile. "Why hello my boy! 'Ere to have a catch with yer new friend?"

"Actually, we just wanted a boat," I told him and he hummed.

"Alright, just take one out from the back. I trust ya, boy."

"Thanks Uncle Sam!"

"Nice meeting you Sir," Louis greeted him formally, which made Sam raise his eyebrows in amusement.

"Wey hey, yer friend's a posh Brit, eh Nialler?"

I blushed at Sam's comment, hoping Louis didn't take offense in it. Thankfully, he was still smiling at the aged man.

"Okay, thanks again Sam, we better be off."

So, I dragged Louis to the dock and told him to get inside one boat. I climbed in after him, pulling on the motor 'til in growled to life and untied the boat from the dock.

"I-I don't like water that much," Louis frowned.

"Oh? It's not deep at all, it's perfectly safe," I assured him. Louis searched my face for any traces of lies and when he found none, he nodded reluctantly.

Louis didn't say much after that, he was just staring in awe at the tiny fishes that would occassionally jump out of the water.

I steered the boat to the left, and slowed the motor when we were close to the destination. A while later, the boat was at the tiny island that was situated in the middle of the lake.

I tied the boat to the small dock, hopping out and Louis doing the same. I led the way through the small island filled with greenery, Louis silently following me.

"Kay, we're here!" I announced, when we stopped in front of a modest looking treehouse. 

"Let's go in. The view's great from there."

Louis nodded, and I gestured him to climb up the stairs attached to the trunk of the tree. I followed his actions.

"Whoa, you were right!" Louis gushed, when we both had climbed up the treehouse which was completely open from one side.

"Told ya."

"This place is so cool!"

"It's actually our secret tree house, which Zayn and I had built when we were kids."

"Oh, that's nice," he commented. I sat down on the edge, my legs dangling. Louis copied my actions, and we sat in comfortable silence. I glanced at Louis a few times, smiling at how his lips would curl up in a cute smile whenever a fish would jump out of the water, it's shiny body reflecting the glistening sunlight.

"Can we go for a swim?" Louis asked after a while and I turned to him in surprise.

"Really? You want to go in in the water?"

Louis nodded shyly. "Yeah. It looks really warm. And you said it's perfectly safe, and I trust you."

I couldn't do anything other than smile largely at his words. He trusted me already, wow. I smiled wider at that.

"Okay then, London boy. Let's go," I stood up and held my hand out for him to take. He grasped my hand firmly in his noticeably smaller one, hauling himself up.

All the while we climbed down, 'til we walked to the water, Louis didn't let my hand go.

And strangely enough, I didn't mind that one bit.


Aww! Nouis! Stahp! <3

Thanks for the cute comments and votes on this little ol book. ^o^

**Next update afer 15 votes, 4 comments and 80 reads.**

Preview of the next chapter: They go for a swim. And who knows what might happen in the water... *smirks*

~bemycupcake xx

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