He grabs my left hand and slides a ring onto my ring finger.



Is he proposing?

"It's just a promise ring." He whispers.

"Liam." I whisper.

"I just promise I'm never going to leave. I promise that I'll love you forever. I promise that, no matter what, I'm always going to trust you."

Earlier, our sex was just kinda slow and passionate with the kissing, but after I got off the phone, it went from making love to just fucking.

I lean over and grab his ring from my nightstand. He looks surprised.

"I've had this since the day after we talked about it." I whisper.

He smiles.

"And I promise the same thing, only, that no matter how many times I piss you off, I'll still love you, that I'll always trust you, and that we will get married someday."

He smiles as I slide the ring onto his finger.


We had the most passionate sex we've ever had. I had to beg him to get out of bed the next morning. We showered together and had sex again, and right before we left, my boss called and asked me to come into work. He said he was having a rough day and he didn't want to work 9-5 alone.

Mum wasn't happy, but she rescheduled to tomorrow.


I get to work late. It's two in the afternoon when I get there. I left at noon. Traffic was horrid. I have a black pencil skirt on and heels and a white button down.

I feel really hot today. I'm supposed to dress like this. I guess today I feel really good because today I had sex.

I don't know. It just makes me feel good when Liam is loving on me.

It makes me feel beautiful.

I work in a skyscraper in downtown Tampa. I take the elevator to the top floor and walk to my bosses door.

I knock.

After a second, the door is opened.

He's got a stained t-shirt on and a pair of jeans.

He normally wears suits.

Silently, he steps aside to let me in.

"What's wrong?" I ask when he shuts the door.

He locks it.

I look down at his hand on the lock, and then up at him.

He steps closer to me.

Uncomfortable, I step back.

"My wife left last night. She took my kid. She thinks I'm fucking you."


"I'm sorry..." I trail off.

"I'm figured, if she thinks I am, I might as well, right?"

It takes me a second to understand what he's saying.

I see a swelling in his jeans.

He's hard.

Oh god.

"Uh," I clear my throat.

He starts kissing me, slamming me up against the wall.

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