Chapter Eight

Depuis le début

He moved slowly towards the bus stop, shocked to see a load of familiar faces still standing close by. The yellow vehicle hadn't made an appearance yet, which made Liam sigh relievedly. But, that action seemed to be cut off short, once a harsh pair of eyes met his.

Xander grinned from where he was sitting on the bench, practically taking up all the room with his long legs. His mouth moved as he stumbled out a few words that Liam couldn't hear to his friends, before he began climbing off of his previous seat. Liam resisted an eye roll; did he really have to do this so often? Especially when he already felt half dead and didn't need some bruises to prove it even more. Plus, why did Liam even deserve this torture? What has he done to face this type of karma? Liam liked to think that he was a kind, good-hearted boy. He helped people whenever they asked for assistance and even shared his food when he obviously didn't want to.

Yet, this didn't seem to be good enough, from how the universe paid him back. And he was just about to get another bold and unnecessary thank you, just about now.

"Where's the three faggoteers? Missing your boyfriends today, huh?" Xander asked, face glowing with smugness from the little joke he played off. Liam wanted to defend them, saying how he was not in a relationship with either of them. He was quite out of their leagues anyways, in his opinion. But, the comment would do no good anyways, considering the bully would ignore it and continue his taunting.

"Yep, their presence is missed," Liam replied dully. "Listen, it'd be great if we could maybe reschedule this little beating session. I really am not in the mood for looking even deader than I am already, so how about Thursday? That's seem quite alright," he suggested, voice tensing a bit. And maybe it was his fatigue or weariness, that brought out his boldness, but he didn't mind. But Xander did.

"Ha ha ha." He laughed fakely with a small pause in between each breath, even going as far as placing a hand in the middle of his chest. But, almost immediately a snarl formed on Xander's face, and he jerked that same hand out, to grip Liam's shoulder with. "You thought bitch," he muttered, before shoving Liam to the ground.

The boy felt on the hard pavement with an 'oof.' His body was sprawled in different directions, items slipping out of his pockets and hands during the motion. Before he could reach out to grab them, Xander's loud cackle stopped. He stared down at Liam, a finger tapping at his chin menacingly. The other rolled his eyes and looked away, vision instantly melting once seeing his phone lying across from him, screen slithered across the ground. It was for sure at least cracked. Then, almost instinctively, his gaze wandered until it stopped by the sight of his poster, letting out a relieved breath once noticing that it didn't look that bad.

However, his eyes were narrowed from a harsh kick on his leg, causing a wallowing scream to part from his lips. Liam's hands flew to cup the body part, hesitantly looking up to stare at the bully, with a fidgeting stare.

"Think you can roll your eyes at me, huh?" Xander growled, jolting his leg at another kick. And another shriek. "Next time I'm going claw those eyeballs out," he threatened, to which Liam simply nodded his head along to. Because if he didn't see the beaten boy responding, he'd be even angrier.

As Xander's lips parted to sputter out more threats, another voice interrupted him beforehand. "Yo Ritz, the bus is 'bout to leave!" The said teenager turned on his heel to see his friend calling him and a look of alertness washed over his face. The same occurred to Liam as well, knowing this was his last chance to jump on the vehicle. Yet, that seemed nearly impossible, from the state he was currently in. Plus, the last kick that Xander had just landed right in his ribs, sent him down another round of abrasive pain.

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