January came Harry still couldn't get rid of the blonde. One day while walking with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny they all stumbled to see 5 sixth years who were all in Gryffindor house. They were surrounding Malfoy and had disarmed him.

"Why would the Headmistress McGonagall allow such filth like a death eater come back. You disgusting lot should be rotting in Azkaban, I'm glad your father was kissed by a dementer. It was the least the ministry could do to someone like him after all. Your mother should fit there too." The tallest of the group sneered at Draco.

The reactions to the event were immediate, Draco looked up and made eye contact for the first time with anyone and let a lone tear escape his mercury eyes that screamed regret, he pushed past the group and sprinted away to the opposite direction.

Hermione scowled at the students and lectured them for what they had done, Ginny as the new head girl took 50 points from each of her peers, even Ron who disliked Malfoy looked at his housemates with something between disbelief and disgust.

It took all of Harry's power to not hex them all into oblivion and hurt them in ways that would end him straight to Azkaban. Although it hadn't been Harry who said those words he felt the guilt eat away his aching heart to Draco's sad face.

Ron and Ginny both turned to look at him, "Go after him Harry before it's too late." Determined Harry went after Draco to apologize for what was said to him. It was in that moment that reality hit him hard.

Harry Potter was head over heels in love with the beautiful blonde who went by the name Draco Malfoy.

Not wanting to waste time away from the man he loved, Harry accioed his Marauders Map whispering 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good' and looked for Draco's name.

He saw the dot on the astronomy tower and Harry sprinted his way up the stairs. Scanning the area for the signature blonde hair and spotting it he made his way to him, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the scene.

Draco's pale arms had blood rushing out that standed out too much with his moonlight skin, the blonde was leaning away from the rails and seem to be contemplating whether to jump or not. Just as he was loosening his grip to the railings did Harry speak.



The first thing that Draco noticed when he returned to Hogwarts weren't the scowls or glares he would receive, it wasn't the disgusted faces that thrown at him.

No, the first thing he noticed was that Harry Bloody Potter would stare at him in a way that made Draco feel very uncomfortable if that was the least bit to say.

It was the first day in the Great Hall that he would feel those green eyes burn a hole into him the first time, that was when Draco decided that he would not whatsoever enter the Great Hall.

He thought that if ignoring and avoiding the name calling and Potter that everyone would forget his existence. It may have worked with with many others, but Draco kept noticing that Potter would stare at him.

In the library while studying Draco felt someone stare intently at him, he turned scanning the room to see who those eyes belonged to and his silver eyes fell upon a certain green eyed boy with messy black hair and golden tan skin.

When Draco noticed him he knew right then and there that it was Potter that would look at him, so to prove his theory Draco went back yo his book and pretended to 'study', but was actually peeking looks at Potter.

Sure enough those green orbs were staring at him and they had a suspicious glint that clearly spoke mistrust.

Draco sighed and rubbed his eyes tired of receiving looks like that, he didn't need to be reminded every second of his life for his mistakes, especially if that someone was bloody Potter.

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